Become a Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner (CKTP)
Apply to become a Certified Kinesio Taping Instructor (CKTI). Complete the instructor training program and earn extra income teaching others the Kinesio Taping® Method. Add the globally recognized credential of CKTP and logo to your business card and website.
Kinesio Taping® Online Certification Course (Hybrid Online Format)
Upon successful completion of this online Certification Course, you will be eligible to register for and take Kinesio® University’s online CKTP® Certification exam to become a Certified Kinesio Taping® Practitioner (CKTP).
Kinesio Taping Certification - Kinesio
The letters CKTP stand for Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner. In earning and maintaining your CKTP status you are demonstrating your commitment to the highest standards of patient care within the only globally recognized modality for health professionals.
贴布培训 KINESIO 贴扎技术 - 百度贴吧
Kinesio中级CKTPpre课程里,将学习8种Kinesio筛查测试的方法,97种肌肉测试,97种肌肉贴扎,12种矫正贴扎,47种特殊贴扎从整体到局部,从与关节活动相关的肌肉开始,学习评估有障碍的肌肉并学习贴扎方法,包括上肢与下肢、浅层与中深层全身各部位肌肉的具体评估和贴扎方法,并且会学习矫正贴扎及一些特殊贴扎的方法。 每次课程结束后,将获得Kinesio Taping高级讲师认证预备课程结业证书。 Kinesio贴布,也叫做Kinesio Tex,是1979年在日本被加濑建造发明出来 …
笑多美动-KINESIO国际CKTP高级贴扎师认证培训-2024年8月17-18 …
为了使专业使用者掌握完善而正确的贴布操作技术和操作要领,为KINESIO肌能系贴布操作者(CKTP)建立了一系列标准化的培训体系,旨在从入门技术开始,手把手教会操作者如何正确并准确地将贴布使用在临床各种实践当中。 运动损伤及骨科相关疾病诊治,关节镜微创外伤治疗膝、踝、肩等各大关节损伤,包括膝关节半月板修复、前交叉韧带(ACL)解剖重建、内侧髌股韧带(MPFL)解剖重建、肩关节孟唇及肩袖修补,以及其它骨肌系统损伤的治疗。 同时也擅长康 …
Kinesio Taping® Foundations Course (hybrid live format) - Rehab …
The Kinesio Taping® Foundations Certification Course will present all the concepts and techniques of Kinesio Taping®. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be eligible to take the Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner (CKTP) exam.
Certification - kinesioproducts.com
Requirements to become CKTP: Complete KT1, KT2 and KT3 Approved Seminars; Sign the CKTP Certification Mark License Agreement; Pass CKTP Exam with 80% or higher; Maintain KTAI annual membership (Any level is acceptable for certification) As a CKTP you have certain benefits available to you:
Kinesiotaping Certification Workshops | AAPS - aapshealthedu.com
We offer Kinesiotaping Fundamentals (KT 1 & KT2), Advanced (KT3) and Specialty (KT4) certification workshops. Both Online and Onsite workshops are approved by the Kinesiotaping Association and are conducted as per the guidelines provided by the KTAI – USA. The letters CKTP stand for Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner.
臺灣肌能系貼紮學會 - hnl.com.tw
當您完成肌能系貼紮國際認證課程,可選擇參加CKTP(Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner)國際認證線上考試通過者於線上簽署CKTP標誌使用合約及加入任一等級會員後,KTAI肌能系國際貼紮總會會寄發CKTP證書給您。此為全球認可之專業貼紮國際權威證照,反映出各國累積 ...
With an ever growing foundation of health professionals desiring and willing to become certified in the Kinesio Taping® Method, the Kinesio Taping Association International (KTAI) has designed a certification process that will allow dedicated practitioners to earn their designation as a Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner (CKTP®).