UN Number3143-DYE,SOLID, TOXIC,N. O. S. or DYE …
UN Number3143Transport of dangerous goods, including class, proper shipping name, label, packing group and other special provisions.
UN编号3143-染料,固体的,有毒的,未另作规定的或染料中间 …
UN 3143: Dyes, solid, toxic, n.o.s. or Dye intermediates, solid, toxic ...
Substance information for UN 3143 - Dyes, solid, toxic, n.o.s. or Dye intermediates, solid, toxic, n.o.s. based on the Hazardous Materials Table (Title 49 CFR 172.101) to assist in preparing a risk assessment for loading, transporting and storing hazardous materials.
GB 3143-1982 液体化学产品颜色测定法 (Hazen单位——铂-钴色 …
GB 3143-1982 液体化学产品颜色测定方法(Hazen 单位-铂-钴色号) 标准 星级: 3 页 资料_分析化验_GB-T3143-1982液体化学产品颜色测定法(Hazen单位--铂-钴色号) 星级: 2 页 标准_液体化学产品颜色测定法(Hazen单位铂一钻色号)GB-T3143-82 ...
UN编号3143的货物运输规则-IMDG Code海运危货UN编号查询工 …
UN编号3143货物运输规则,IMDG code海运危货分类、运输名称、运输标签、包装组别及其它特殊规定。
UN/NA 3143 | CAMEO Chemicals | NOAA
UN/NA datasheets display several items from the ERG: material names, response guide PDFs, initial isolation and protective action distances, warnings about toxic-by-inhalation gases that may be produced if the material spills in water, and polymerization hazards.
UN 3143 DYE, SOLID, TOXIC, N.O.S. or DYE ... - ADR Dangerous …
ADR data for UN3143 DYE, SOLID, TOXIC, N.O.S. or DYE INTERMEDIATE, SOLID, TOXIC, N.O.S. and 2 other version(s) of this substance in the ADR system
UN 3143 - ADR Dangerous Goods
Data for all ADR substances with UN-number 3143. Find any data for any UN-number, calculate points, and more - for free! Or try our app!
ADR 2023 | UN 3143, DYE, SOLID, TOXIC, N.O.S. or DYE …
Mixed loading prohibited with UN Nos bearing labels: class 1 (except 1.4S) and 4.1+1 (UN3221,3222, 3231, 3232) and 5.2+1 (UN3101, 3102, 3111, 3112) The CEFIC Emergency Response Intervention Cards (ERICards) www.ericards.net: International Chemical Safety Cards: International Chemical Safety Cards
GB/T 3143-1982 液体化学产品颜色测定法(Hazen 单位-铂-钴色 …
GB/T 3143-1982 液体化学产品颜色测定法(Hazen 单位-铂-钴色号) 标准下载