British Rail Class 450 - Wikipedia
The British Rail Class 450 Desiro is a type of third-rail DC electric multiple unit (EMU) passenger train that entered service during 2003. Used for outer-suburban services, the units were built with both first- and standard-class accommodation. They have …
英国铁路450型电力动车组 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
英国铁路450型 第三轨直流供电电联车于2003年投入使用。 它们是西门子Desiro模块化列车系列的一部分。 450型常常用于市郊外服务,配备标准座和头等座舱。 该车组的最高时速为100英里/小时(161公里/小时)。 西门子 "Desiro UK"系列还包括185、350、360、380和444型车组。 这些车组多服务于西南铁的线路上。 450型是Desiro系列中数量最多的车组。 2001年4月,Stagecoach旗下的西南铁订购了785辆车辆,以便按照其在2005年之前完成车队现代化,替代不符合现代卫生 …
Class 450 "Desiro" | Our Trains - South Western Railway
The Class 450 Desiro came into service in 2004, and was built by Siemens. These trains have four carriages, and replaced many of the British Railway "slam door" trains used before. They can operate "in multiple", which means three trains can run together as a twelve-carriage train.
Class 450/0 - 4-Des and Class 450/2 (Siemens Desiro series)
The 450/0 units feature a new SWT "outer suburban" livery designed by Ray Stenning of Best Impressions, the design house responsible for the previous - now considered "mainline" - livery used on classes 442, 159 and (now incongruously) 458.
British Rail Class 450 - UK Transport Wiki
The British Rail Class 450 third-rail DC EMU began service during 2003. They are a part of the Siemens Desiro modular train family and are more commonly known as the 'Blue Desiro'. In standing...
Class 450 - Wikipedia
Class 450 may refer to: British Rail Class 450, an electric multiple unit type operated by South Western Railway; NIR Class 450, a diesel multiple unit type operated by Northern Ireland Railways; RENFE Class 450
英国铁路450型 - 全球百科
英国Class450(Class450)的车辆是四部分电动本地运输列车(EMU-电动多单元),来自西门子交通系统开发的Desiro车辆概念。 2001年,西门子交通系统公司接到了110辆四节车厢动车组的订单,2005年又接到了17辆四节车厢列车的订单,在其位于克雷费尔德-乌丁根的工厂生产末节车厢,在维也纳生产中间车厢发生。 该订单包括在南安普敦附近诺瑟姆的伯恩茅斯西部铁路车厂进行为期25年的维护。 调... 英国 Class 450(Class 450)的车辆是四部分电动本地运输列车(emu …
Category : British Rail Class 450 - Wikimedia
2024年2月18日 · English: The British Rail Class 450 is a third rail DC EMU that began service during 2004. Used for outer suburban services, the Class 450 is fitted with Standard and First accommodation. The unit has a maximum speed of 100 mph.
Class 450 - Railworks Wiki
The Class 450 third-rail DC electric multiple unit is part of the Siemens Desiro family and were introduced in 2003 across the South West Trains network, replacing existing Mark I-derived EMUs. Provision has been made for future conversion to 25 kV AC overhead supply or dual voltage although, at present, none of the Class 450 fleet have been ...
Class 450 – Angel Trains
Operate as 4-car unit. (DMSO-TCO-TSO-DMSO or DMSO-TSO-TCO-DMSO)