CNBP Gene - GeneCards | CNBP Protein | CNBP Antibody
2024年12月24日 · CNBP (CCHC-Type Zinc Finger Nucleic Acid Binding Protein) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with CNBP include Myotonic Dystrophy 2 and Myotonia Congenita, Autosomal Dominant. Among its related pathways are SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Infectious disease.
CNBP CCHC-type zinc finger nucleic acid binding protein
Gene ID: 7555, updated on 9-Feb-2025. This gene encodes a nucleic-acid binding protein with seven zinc-finger domains. The protein has a preference for binding single stranded DNA and RNA. The protein functions in cap-independent translation of ornithine decarboxylase mRNA, and may also function in sterol-mediated transcriptional regulation.
2019年3月13日 · Cnbp protected mice against infection with Toxoplasma gondii, as demonstrated by failure of Cnbp-deficient mice to produce Il12 and IFN-gamma (IFNG; 147570) responses, resulting in reduced Th1 immune response and inability to control parasite replication.
What's new about CNBP? Divergent functions and activities for …
CNBP participates in the transcriptional and translational regulation of a wide range of genes by remodeling single-stranded nucleic acid secondary structures and/or by modulating the activity of trans-acting factors. CNBP is required for proper neural crest and heart development, and plays a role in cell proliferation control.
Dissecting CNBP, a Zinc-Finger Protein Required for Neural Crest ...
2008年10月17日 · Cellular nucleic-acid-binding protein (CNBP) plays an essential role in forebrain and craniofacial development by controlling cell proliferation and survival to mediate neural crest expansion. CNBP binds to single-stranded nucleic acids and …
细胞核酸结合蛋白 (CNBP)的功能研究 - 百度学术
细胞核酸结合蛋白 (cellular nucleic acid-binding protein,CNBP)是一个含有7个锌指结构 (Cys-X_2-Cys-X_4-His-X_4-Cys,CCHC)的19kD蛋白,又称为锌指蛋白9 (zincfinger protein 9,ZNF9).人CNBP有α与β两种主要转录本,分别编码177个和170个氨基酸.CNBP广泛存在于真核生物中,在进化过程中具有高度的 ...
A KIF1C-CNBP motor-adaptor complex for trafficking mRNAs to …
Moissoglu et al. study the mechanisms of mRNA targeting to mammalian cell protrusions. They show that the RNA-binding protein CNBP binds 3′ UTR GA-rich sequences in protrusion-localized mRNAs and recruits the KIF1C kinesin for mRNA trafficking on microtubules. This work reveals a new motor-adaptor complex for microtubule-based mRNA transport.
CNBP 有什么新鲜事?保守核酸结合蛋白的不同功能和活 …
背景 细胞核酸结合蛋白 (CNBP) 是一种保守的单链核酸结合蛋白,存在于大多数真核生物中,但不存在于植物中。 CNBP基因的扩增导致 2 型肌强直性营养不良。
2024年12月10日 · CNBP interacts with KMT5A to promote Syk transactivation in monocytes. 转录因子在单核细胞的表观改变过程中起到了决定细胞命运和表型的关键作用。 特定DNA序列的组蛋白修饰通常位于组蛋白的尾部,影响染色质的可及性,从而使得转录因子可以靶向特定的DNA序列,调控细胞的转录 (参考 组蛋白甲基转移酶抑制剂)。 为了探究是否有特定转录因子参与了MI中单核细胞的训练免疫,作者进行了IP-MS实验并鉴定了在MI鼠BMDM中与KM5EA互做的287个蛋 …
CNBP 抑制因子 | SCBIO - Santa Cruz Biotechnology
CNBP的化学抑制剂包括一系列化合物,它们通过靶向各种细胞信号通路、基因表达机制和应激反应来间接影响其活性。 这些抑制剂的主要作用机制包括调节关键信号通路和表观遗传调控。