Enhancing mechanism of CNT-CNT interface by metal …
2023年3月1日 · Enhancing the weak interfacial heat transfer between carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is an effective approach to its application in thermal management for electronic devices, MEMS, etc. The conventional methods of strengthening thermal conductance (G) between CNTs have not reached expectations, and thus it is necessary to develop a new enhancement way.
Extraordinary thermal conductivity for carbon nanotube …
2024年8月1日 · Moreover, induced by abundant low-frequency phonons of LCC, the VDOS of CNT in LCC@CNT at 0∼1 THz is significantly enhanced. Hence, the phonon effects of LCC on CNT include CNT phonon mode frequency range narrow, and …
Average phonon vibrational density of states (VDOS) of CNP and CNT …
Average phonon vibrational density of states (VDOS) of CNP and CNT and its five components corresponding to eigenvectors of TAx, TAy, LA, TW and RB modes. The right plots illustrate the five...
Excellent heat transfer enhancement of CNT-metal interface by …
2022年5月1日 · The three kinds of metal substrates have the strongest strength induced by the resonance of CNTs, and Cu exhibits a strong affect, especially in the case of CNT with diameter 20.34 Å. In this VDOS curve, at 10−15 THz there is a …
Interface thermal conductance and phonon thermal transport ...
2024年3月23日 · The results reveal that increasing CNT layers enhances the overall vibration density of states (VDOS) of CNT and shifts the peak value towards the low frequency band, which is more conducive to interface heat transfer.
Computational study on thermal conductivity of defective carbon ...
2017年12月4日 · In this paper, the thermal conductivities of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) with vacancy defects are compared by using non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations. The results show that the vacancy defects markedly decrease the thermal conductivities of CNTs and GNRs.
碳纳米管阵列-硅界面热导率对阵列排列和填充率的依赖性,Applied …
通过比较不同条件下两侧原子的振动态密度(VDOS),讨论了跨CNT阵列和硅衬底之间的界面传热的机理。 碳纳米管(CNT)由于具有超高的轴向热导率,因此是用于微/纳米级设备的热界面材料的有前途的候选者。 但是,CNT与其他材料之间的低界面导热率限制了其在热管理中的有效性。 我们使用非平衡分子动力学(NEMD)方法来研究可能影响垂直CNT阵列和硅衬底之间的界面热导的因素。 界面热导对碳纳米管排列(对齐和交叉),填充分数(0.14-0.70),碳纳米管直 …
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Thermal Transport of Carbon …
2024年3月21日 · The interfacial thermal conductivity is affected by the density of phonon states (VDOSs) between different solids, and the VDOSs between CNTs can reflect the nature of thermal transportation between CNTs. The VDOS curves of the three CNT@CNTs as a whole are given in Figure 2c. It can be found that the curves are all very similar, and the VDOS ...
Influence mechanism of functionalization of CNTs on the thermal ...
2023年12月15日 · (a) VDOS of all atoms in three nanofluid systems; VDOS of water molecules and (b) CNT, (c) CNT-OH, and (d) CNT-COOH. Overall, the thermal resistance between water molecules and CNT-OH and CNT-COOH is smaller, which has an inhibitory effect on the reduction of the nanofluids’ thermal conductivity.
Thermal conduction of carbon nanotubes using molecular dynamics
2005年2月24日 · We find that the thermal conductance of CNT’s diverges with the length of CNT’s. After an analysis of vibrational density of states, it is shown that there are more and stronger low-frequency vibrational modes in longer CNT’s, and these modes effectively contribute to the divergence of thermal conductance.