Coach - Left 4 Dead Wiki | Fandom
Coach (real name unknown) is one of the four playable Survivors in Left 4 Dead 2. He was a high-school health teacher and coordinator for the freshman football team before the Infection hit his hometown of Savannah. He is the oldest of the group and takes it upon himself to motivate his fellow Survivors.
Coach/Quotes - Left 4 Dead Wiki
A list of Coach's Quotes heard so far in Left 4 Dead 2. [Reading CEDA's instructons while in the store] "'Report unusual behavior'… 'Barricade your homes'… 'Avoid all contact with infected individuals'… 'Wait for official instructions'." [crumples paper, throws it away] "Huh! Wait, my ass...
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2023年5月6日 · 《封锁2》是一张由国外作者Alexander Regber制作的5个章节的战役地图,这是经典神级地图《封锁》的正统续作,故事继续延续前作《封锁》, 跟随Coach、Ellis、Nick和Rochelle的旅程,在这个封锁故事的延续中,他们必须再次面对试图将他们撕裂的亡灵。
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Coach - Left 4 Dead 2 - Soundboard.com - Create & Download …
Coach (voiced by Chad Coleman), is one of the four playable survivors in Left 4 Dead 2. He is a portly high-school football coach with a bad knee. He has a big heart, a healthy appetite, and a wicked swing with a chainsaw. His experience as an actual coach makes him demand things of the other survivors in a positive way.
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