Teledyne Relays & Coax Switches
Teledyne Relays/Coax Switches provide solid state relays, coax switches, and RF switch Matrices for use in industrial, military, space, aviation, and test & measurement applications.
Coax Relays (Various Manufacturers) - RF Parts
The DowKey 116 Series are small multiple-position switches designed for applications where one or more inputs or outputs are required to be connected simultaneously. Each position has its …
Teledyne Relays | High-Reliability Switching Solutions for …
Elevate your mission-critical operations with Teledyne Relays, delivering unparalleled switching solutions for aerospace & defense, automated test equipment, oil and gas, medical and high …
Relays | High Frequency (RF) Relays | DigiKey Electronics
High frequency and RF (radio frequency) relays are high switch speed, high reliability and RF insulated relays designed for use in computers, testing equipment and radio broadcast …
Henry Radio Inc. | Tohtsu Coaxial Relays
Henry Radio is a major distributor for Tohtsu coaxial relays. These are very high quality, Japanese manufactured coaxial relays that are typically used as antenna relays for all kinds of RF …
Coaxial Switches & Relays - Richardson RFPD
RF Coaxial Switches are electromechanical coaxial devices with multiple ports: SPDT (Single-Pole, Double-Throw), DPDT, DP3T, or SPnT (Single-Pole, Multi-Throw). Options include …
Coaxial Relays from Europe's Market Leader - WiMo
A coaxial relay is needed to allow the reception of multiple radio bands on a single antenna. It is particularly useful for amateur radio operators who want to use multiple radio bands but only …
Tohtsu Coaxial Relays - Relays - RF Parts
CX600M Tohtsu SPDT 12v Coaxial Relay UHF (3-UHF Female) MFR: Tohtsu (Japan) SKU: CX600M |
TOHTSU Coaxial Relays - RADIODAN
These coaxial RF relays are extremely high quality and are used successfully in a wide variety of applications. Similar to Dow Key relay. All models shown below are stocked for immediate …
Coaxial Relays - RF Connection
The RF Connection offers you multiple types of Coaxial Relays including DowKey N Female 402 2301 single pull, double throw coaxial relay,