Teledyne Relays & Coax Switches
Teledyne Relays/Coax Switches provide solid state relays, coax switches, and RF switch Matrices for use in industrial, military, space, aviation, and test & measurement applications.
Coax Relays (Various Manufacturers) - RF Parts
The DowKey 116 Series are small multiple-position switches designed for applications where one or more inputs or outputs are required to be connected simultaneously. Each position has its own actuating solenoid, and each port may be grounded or non-grounded in the de-energized state.
Teledyne Relays | High-Reliability Switching Solutions for …
Elevate your mission-critical operations with Teledyne Relays, delivering unparalleled switching solutions for aerospace & defense, automated test equipment, oil and gas, medical and high-reliability space applications.
Relays | High Frequency (RF) Relays | DigiKey Electronics
High frequency and RF (radio frequency) relays are high switch speed, high reliability and RF insulated relays designed for use in computers, testing equipment and radio broadcast systems. Additional features may include an internal diode, magnetic shielding and hermetic seals.
Henry Radio Inc. | Tohtsu Coaxial Relays
Henry Radio is a major distributor for Tohtsu coaxial relays. These are very high quality, Japanese manufactured coaxial relays that are typically used as antenna relays for all kinds of RF switching. We have sold the products for more than 30 years and have found them to be a reasonably priced reliable solution for RF signal switching.
Coaxial Switches & Relays - Richardson RFPD
RF Coaxial Switches are electromechanical coaxial devices with multiple ports: SPDT (Single-Pole, Double-Throw), DPDT, DP3T, or SPnT (Single-Pole, Multi-Throw). Options include guaranteed operation up to 10 million cycles, frequency to 67 …
Coaxial Relays from Europe's Market Leader - WiMo
A coaxial relay is needed to allow the reception of multiple radio bands on a single antenna. It is particularly useful for amateur radio operators who want to use multiple radio bands but only have one antenna. By switching the coaxial relay, the antenna can be …
Tohtsu Coaxial Relays - Relays - RF Parts
CX600M Tohtsu SPDT 12v Coaxial Relay UHF (3-UHF Female) MFR: Tohtsu (Japan) SKU: CX600M |
TOHTSU Coaxial Relays - RADIODAN
These coaxial RF relays are extremely high quality and are used successfully in a wide variety of applications. Similar to Dow Key relay. All models shown below are stocked for immediate delivery.
Coaxial Relays - RF Connection
The RF Connection offers you multiple types of Coaxial Relays including DowKey N Female 402 2301 single pull, double throw coaxial relay,