Coccinia - Wikipedia
Coccinia species are perennial climbing or creeping herbs. Climbing is supported by simple of unequally bifid tendrils. Most species develop a tuber from the hypocotyl, sometimes on roots. …
红瓜 - 百度百科
红瓜( Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt)是葫芦科,红瓜属攀援草本植物;根粗壮;茎纤细,多分枝,叶柄细,有纵条纹, 叶片 阔心形,先端钝圆,基部有数个腺体,卷须纤细,雌雄异株;花 …
红瓜 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
红瓜(学名: Coccinia grandis )为葫芦科 红瓜属下的一个种。全株可食用,被視為一種蔬菜。
Coccinia grandis - Wikipedia
Coccinia grandis, the ivy gourd, also known as scarlet gourd, [2] is a tropical vine. It grows primarily in tropical climates and is commonly found in the Indian states where it forms a part …
Coccinia grandis: Phytochemistry, pharmacology and health benefits
2024年6月1日 · Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt, commonly known as Ivy gourd, is a plant of the Cucurbitaceae family that has been used in traditional medicinal systems for centuries. Its …
Coccinia abyssinica - Wikipedia
Coccinia abyssinica is an Ethiopian species of Coccinia which was first described by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. The tuber is under its Oromo name anchote a well-known local crop, but …
Ivy gourd Facts, Health Benefits and Nutritional Value
2016年5月9日 · Coccinia powder is used for treating liver weakness, vomiting and worm infestation, gastro – intestinal disturbances, purifies blood, dysentery, curbs infection in the …
Nutritional profile and bioactive potential of Ivy gourd (Coccinia ...
2025年3月1日 · Ivy gourd (Coccinia grandis L. Voigt) is one of the medicinal plants traditionally practiced for their therapeutic properties from ancient times. It is a fast-growing, nutrient-rich …
Monograph of Coccinia (Cucurbitaceae) - PMC - PubMed Central …
This monograph deals with all 95 names described in the Cucurbitaceae genus Coccinia and recognizes 25 species. Taxonomic novelties are Coccinia adoensis var. aurantiaca (C.Jeffrey) …
Monograph of Coccinia (Cucurbitaceae) - PubMed
2015年8月3日 · Coccinia species are dioecious creepers or climbers with simple or bifid tendrils that occupy a range of habitats from arid scrubland, woodlands to lowland rainforest and mist …
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