T-COFFEE Multiple Sequence Alignment Server - CRG
T-Coffee is a multiple sequence alignment server. It can align Protein, DNA and RNA sequences. You can use T-Coffee to align sequences or to combine the output of your favorite alignment methods into one unique alignment.
T-Coffee Server - CRG
M-Coffee Aligns DNA, RNA or Proteins by combining the output of popular aligners
T-Coffee Server - CRG
Sequences input Paste or upload your set of sequences in FASTA format Sequences to align Click here to use the sample file
Tutorial | T-Coffee Server - CRG
1. Choose your T-Coffee flavor. T-Coffee can align protein sequences as well as DNA/RNA sequences, also different modes are available. In the main page choose the T-Coffee mode according your requirements.
T-Coffee Server - CRG
T-Coffee Aligns DNA, RNA or Proteins using the default T-Coffee. Sequences input Paste or upload your set of sequences in FASTA format Sequences to align Click here to use the sample file
T-Coffee Server - CRG
T-Coffee Server. Home; History; Tutorial; References; Contacts; Projects; Download; TCS Evaluates your Alignment and outputs a Colored version indicating the local reliability. Alignment input Paste or upload your Multiple Sequence Alignment in CLUSTAL, FASTA, MSF, NEXUS or PHYLIP format.
T-Coffee Server
iRMSD-APDB Evaluates Multiple Sequence Alignment using structural information with APDB and iRMSD.
References | T-Coffee Server - CRG
What is T-Coffee? T-Coffee is a multiple sequence alignment package. You can use T-Coffee to align sequences or to combine the output of your favorite alignment methods (Clustal, Mafft, Probcons, Muscle, etc.) into one unique alignment (M-coffee).
SARA-Coffee Tutorial | T-Coffee Server
The web server allows the structure-based alignment of multiple RNAs combining the SARA and the T-Coffee framework . SARA executes a structural superposition of ribose C3' carbons to obtain the equivalences needed to return a structure-based alignment.
T-RMSD Tutorial | T-Coffee Server
The T-RMSD web server allows a fine-grained structural classification of proteins using the T-RMSD method (Tree based on Root Mean Square Deviation), see . Providing a set of proteins sequences, it produces a structural tree with support values for each cluster node, reminiscent to bootstrap values.