python - How do I use cogs with discord.py? - Stack Overflow
2018年11月29日 · Every cog has two parts: a class and a setup function. Almost all setup functions look the same: bot.add_cog(Cog(bot)) where Cog is the cog class.
GitHub - coffeebank/coffee-cogs: Discord bots for webhooks, …
A simple Discord bot feature that returns links to search engines without needing to copy-paste a search term into a website/app separately. Comes preset with search strings for Google, Bing, Ecosia, DuckDuckGo, and Wikipedia.
Python Discord Bot 進階教學 — Cog 篇 - HackMD
為了要讓未來 Discord Bot 方便維護以及增加可讀性,將各個指令分門別類會是一個不錯的方法,而 Cog 就是能夠實現這功能的架構,Cog 可以將程式碼分門別類,讓主程式只要負責執行加載檔案和卸載檔案的動作。 基礎教學的內容中,最後有提到使用關鍵字的 on_message 和前綴指令 command 如果放在同一個檔案會無法運作的問題,而使用 Cog 架構就可以來解決這個問題。 更多資訊可參考 Discord.py Cog 官方文檔。 負責執行載入 (load)、卸載 (unload)、重新載入 …
Add CogBot Discord Bot | The #1 Discord Bot and Discord App …
A simple and easy to use discord bot for server engagement. CogBot is a multipurpose discord bot with many features like music, moderation, utility, soundboard, Image manipulation and fun commands. You can use CogBot to play music from many …
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Cogs | Toontown Wiki | Fandom
Cogs are the main antagonists of Disney's Toontown Online. They are business-minded robots that consistently try to conquer Toontown and turn it into a dull, gray, corporate wasteland. There is a total of thirty-two different Cogs, with eight in each of the four corporate ladders, as well as a boss of each ladder.
A collection of Cogs for discord.py bots - GitHub
A collection of Cogs for discord.py bots. This project is a collection of general-use modules, called Cogs, for discord bots written with the discord.py v2.0 Python library. ⚠️ Important Note: These cogs are written with discord.py >= 2.0 in mind. To install the modules, you can install them directly from the repository's master branch:
Boardbots | Toontown Corporate Clash Wiki | Fandom
Boardbots are the strongest and final of the five Cog Departments. Boardbots are the masterminds of the Cogs, using influence and devilish plans to scam and launder money to fund the other Departments. Toon Resistance Rangers have yet to infiltrate the base of operation for the Boardbots, but...
Cog-Creators/Red-DiscordBot: A multi-function Discord bot - GitHub
Red is a fully modular bot – meaning all features and commands can be enabled/disabled to your liking, making it completely customizable. This is a self-hosted bot – meaning you will need to host and maintain your own instance. You can turn Red into an admin bot, music bot, trivia bot, new best friend or all of these together!
BOTS OF COG GEN-1 - Collection - OpenSea
The Robots of COG is a generative project with hand drawn elements. It features a growing army of 10k unique/special robots (Currently at 2k for GEN1 bots) that are all created with an unfolding narrative in mind.
Cog Manager UI — Red - Discord Bot 3.5.17 documentation
This cog allows you to manage your cogs and where you can install them. Unlike V2, which had a cogs folder where everything was installed, you can install V3 cogs everywhere, and also make them cross-compatible with other instances!
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