The College of Ophthalmologists of Hong Kong
Learn more about our college's history, mission and structure. eLogbook for trainees to record all components of their training and apply for examinations. Fellows and members only area for …
Login with the username and password given to you. Goto Left side menu and click Course Registration or see statement of results . Select the required courses that are mounted for you and click register. Enable popup in the browser if required and click print this page. Submit form for endorsement. Any help or comment contact.
Applicants must complete application form issued by The College of Ophthalmologists of Hong Kong. Application form, documents/certificates and examination fee must be sent to The College of Ophthalmologists of Hong Kong.
COHK eLogbook - Apps on Google Play
2024年5月23日 · The COHK eLogbook app allows trainees of the College of Ophthalmologists of Hong Kong (COHK) to record surgical records and active assessment easily during their …
Welcome to Hong Kong Ophthalmological Society Website - HKOS
The Hong Kong Ophthalmological Society (HKOS) and the College of Ophthalmologists of Hong Kong (COHK) co-organizes a public education event, with a specific theme, every year. This year, the event was held on 7 Oct 2018 at the Metroplaza, Hong Kong, and we chose the theme of cataract surgery.
香港眼科醫學院 - College of Ophthalmologists Hong Kong
香港香港仔黃竹坑道99號香港醫學專科學院賽馬會大樓8樓802室. [email protected]. http://www.cohk.org.hk/ 1. Assessment and Examination. This was headed by Dr. S. P. Hui who spent a great deal of time liaising with the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.
Hong Kong to host APAO 2026 Congress – 中大眼科 CUHK DOVS
2023年10月3日 · At the 38 th Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) Council Meeting held on 22 February 2023 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the joint Bidding Committee of the Hong Kong Ophthalmological Society (HKOS) and the College of Ophthalmologists of Hong Kong (COHK) successfully bid to host the APAO 2026 Congress in Hong Kong.
Departments & Programmes – Home | College of Health and Well-Being - COHK
College of Health and Well-Being. Post Office Box 9. Kintampo Bono East. Ghana West Africa +233 35 209 2035 +233 35 209 2040. [email protected]. [email protected]
SRC E-LIBRARY COHK 2024/2025 - Past questions - Google Sites
Announcements; school resumes on 3rd Jan, freshers akwaaba shall come off effective 10th to 12th Jan 25
cohk是哪个大学 - 百度知道
2024年10月4日 · cohk是哪个大学根据了解,"cohk"对应大学存在不同说法。有观点认为"cohk"是香港中文大学缩写,这所大学是中国香港知名的综合性学府,注重中英双语教学,强调跨学科研究和国际化交流。在全球范围