Deciphering Fur transcriptional regulatory network highlights its ...
2014年9月15日 · In most Gram-negative bacteria, including Escherichia coli, ferric uptake regulator (Fur) regulates iron metabolism to precisely control cytoplasmic iron levels.
This Is Not Your Mother's Repressor: the Complex Role of Fur in ...
While some organisms have additional regulatory proteins to regulate Fur expression, like the catabolite activator protein in E. coli (38), RpoS in V. vulnificus (88), and NikR in H. pylori (32), autoregulation of Fur is the most conserved mechanism of fur regulation.
Discovery of Fur binding site clusters in Escherichia coli by ...
2007年10月5日 · Fur is a DNA binding protein that represses bacterial iron uptake systems. Eleven footprinted Escherichia coli Fur binding sites were used to create an initial information theory model of Fur binding, which was then refined by adding 13 experimentally confirmed sites.
Ferric uptake regulator (Fur) reversibly binds a [2Fe-2S] cluster to ...
2020年11月13日 · Here we report that the Escherichia coli Fur has a bright red color when expressed in E. coli mutant cells containing an elevated intracellular free iron content because of deletion of the iron–sulfur cluster assembly proteins IscA and SufA.
Recognition of DNA by Fur: a Reinterpretation of the Fur Box …
2002年11月1日 · Our analysis of the affinity and stoichiometry of DNA binding by B. subtilis Fur, together with a reinterpretation of previously described studies of Escherichia coli Fur, supports a model in which the 19-bp Fur box represents overlapping recognition sites for two Fur dimers bound to opposite faces of the DNA helix.
Characterization of the DNA-binding site in the ferric uptake …
2005年10月24日 · Ferric uptake regulator protein (Fur) is activated by its cofactor iron to a state that binds to a specific DNA sequence called ‘Fur box’. Using mass spectrometry-based methods, we showed that Tyr 55 of Escherichia coli Fur, as well as the two thymines in positions 18 and 19 of the consensus Fur Box, are involved with binding.
The C-terminal domain of the ferric uptake regulator (Fur
2023年6月21日 · Here we report that the C-terminal domain (amino acid residues 83–148) of E. coli Fur (Fur-CTD) is sufficient to bind a [2Fe–2S] cluster in E. coli cells, and that deletion of gene fur results in elevation of the intracellular free iron content (Keyer and Imlay 1996; Jacques et al. 2006) and promotes the binding of a [2Fe–2S] cluster in ...
Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli senses low biotin status in the ...
2015年3月20日 · Here we identify a virulence-regulating pathway in which the biotin protein ligase BirA signals to the global regulator Fur, which in turn activates LEE (locus of enterocyte effacement) genes to promote EHEC adherence in the low-biotin large intestine.
Prominent roles of the NorR and Fur regulators in the Escherichia coli …
Our studies of the global transcription response of E. coli cells treated with GSNO and NaNO 2 showed that the E. coli response to reactive nitrogen species during aerobic growth in rich media is a composite response in which NorR and Fur have major roles, SoxR and OxyR have minor roles, and additional regulators remain to be identified.
The Escherichia coli Fur pan-regulon has few conserved but
2023年5月8日 · Here we use a combination of ChIP-exo-to define ferric uptake regulator (Fur) binding sites-and differential gene expression-to define the Fur regulon in nine E. coli strains. We then define a pan-regulon consisting of 469 target genes that …
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