Effect of Darkness on Acoustic Startle in Vietnam Veterans With …
1998年6月1日 · The main results of the present study were 1) that the overall magnitude of startle was greater in the veterans with PTSD than in the veterans and civilians without PTSD and 2) that the facilitation of startle by darkness was enhanced in the combat veterans with PTSD compared with the civilians without PTSD but not compared with the veterans ...
Combat PTSD Symptom: The Exaggerated Startle Response
2014年11月17日 · Anyone can be startled but people with combat PTSD can have an exaggerated startle response. Their startle response could even be traumatizing. Check this out.
Physiologic responses to loud tones in Vietnam veterans with ...
The authors evaluated eyeblink and autonomic components of the acoustic startle response in combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Thirty-seven Vietnam combat veterans with current PTSD and 19 combat veterans without PTSD were exposed to 15 consecutive 95-dB, 500-ms, 1000-Hz tones with …
Changes in trauma-potentiated startle with treatment of ... - PubMed
Results revealed different patterns of trauma-potentiated startle across treatment for responders and nonresponders, but no differences in within task habituation. Responders showed an increase followed by a decrease in trauma-potentiated startle, whereas nonresponders showed a relatively flat response profile.
Prospective Prediction of PTSD Symptoms Using Fear Potentiated …
PTSD has been most consistently associated with exaggerated physiological reactivity to startling sounds when such sounds occur in threatening contexts. There is conflicting evidence about whether startle hyperreactivity is a pre-existing vulnerability factor for PTSD or an acquired result of post-trauma neural sensitization.
Baseline startle amplitude and prepulse inhibition in Vietnam …
1996年10月16日 · The present study investigated the eyeblink component of the acoustic startle reflex and prepulse inhibition (PPI) in 21 unmedicated Vietnam veterans with PTSD and in 17 civilian and 10 combat veteran comparison subjects.
Physiological evidence of exaggerated startle response in a …
One of the diagnostic criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an exaggerated startle response; however, this phenomenon has not been verified empirically. The authors compared 20 Vietnam combat veterans with PTSD and 18 combat veterans without PTSD on the eyeblink reflex electromyograph …
Changes in trauma-potentiated startle with treatment of posttraumatic ...
2014年5月1日 · In the present study, we investigated whether PTSD treatment would promote reduced hyperarousal associated with sympathetic nervous system arousal, as evidenced by attenuation in trauma-relevant, cue-potentiated, acoustic …
Startle response - Wikipedia
The startle reflex is a brainstem reflectory reaction (reflex) that serves to protect vulnerable parts, such as the back of the neck (whole-body startle) and the eyes (eyeblink) and facilitates escape from sudden stimuli. It is found across many different species, throughout all stages of life.
Combat PTSD: Challenges, Symptoms, and Healing Approaches
2024年12月9日 · Combat PTSD can have severe consequences on mental health, relationships, and overall well-being, but healing is possible with the right treatment. Individuals with combat PTSD often experience recurring memories, nightmares, and flashbacks of traumatic events.