SOPRO-COMEG proposes a complete range of instruments for entry into the peritoneum, the first and most crucial step in successful laparoscopic surgery. A complete range of hand instruments in both monopolar and bipolar electrocautery versions is also available.
COMEG / Endoscopy and ultrasound solutions / Medical Products ...
COMEG offers endoscopy and ultrasound solutions with a range of medical products.
DUO Full HD is a system offering a multi-disciplinary use, taking the first step between consultation and the surgical act. Thanks to its recognizable icons, your workflow has never been so smooth and efficient. The colored touchscreen …
该产品包括宫腔电切镜、工作手件、单极电极、镜鞘、高频电缆和双极附件。 该产品适用于宫腔检查,并利用高频电流热效应对宫腔病变组织进行切割、凝血手术。 见产品技术要求。 2021-01-19 “注册人名称:SOPRO-COMEG GmbH;代理人住所:北京市朝阳区博大路3号院9号楼9层922”变更为“注册人名称:SOPRO-COMEG GmbH 摄谱乐-高美格公司;代理人住所:北京市顺义区空港街道安泰大街9号院4号楼10层1005”。 暂无权限! 更多信息, 升级会员权限,立即享受. 宫腔电切镜及 …
Fault Code: 2771 - SPN: 3226 - FMI: 9: ISX15 CM2250
• Visually inspect the batteries and the battery cable connections for corrosion. • Measure the voltage from the positive (+) battery terminal to the negative (-) battery terminal. Solutions …
SOPRO Comeg 2771 Arthroscope Autoclavable - eBay
SOPRO Comeg 2771 Arthroscope Autoclavable | Business & Industrial, Healthcare, Lab & Dental, Handpieces & Instruments | eBay!
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comeg arthroscope 161 271 772 Model Information: In order to safeguard our users, please complete this quick step in order to access more of DOTmed's features:
HEOS (U型宫腔镜)简介法国摄普乐宫腔镜—高美格公司
COMEG PECAS AGRICOLAS em Santa Maria, RS | Ligue (84).
Somos a COMEG PECAS AGRICOLAS e atuamos no ramo de Máquinas Agrícolas. Nossa sede fica localizada em Avenida Hélvio Basso, 1460 no bairro Nossa Senhora Medianeira na cidade de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. O CEP do endereço é 97070-805. Para entrar em contato conosco acesse o nosso telefone: Ver telefone.
LM2771 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
TI 的 LM2771 是一款 低纹波 250mA 开关电容器降压 DC/DC 转换器。 查找参数、订购和质量信息.