英文当中的费用commission,charge,fee,rate四个之间有什么样 …
2022年8月9日 · Commission佣金,就是你做中间的broker 别人给你的钱。 Charge就是正常任何商品都有一个Price, how much do you charge for this item/service? Fee和rate通常法律条款都会有,pay any fee, rate, levy. Fee比较随便,都能用。rate一般是比率,interest rate 利率,在本金的基础上收多少费率。
Is the commision paid to employees included in the VAT system?
2022年5月26日 · Once the client transacts with the provider, we (the company) get paid a commission. I understand that commission received by the company is subject to VAT due to the service provided. Our employees are paid both a salary and commission, and commission payments are directly related to the clients they (the employees) have introduced to the ...
VAT and its application for a broker selling third-party goods in …
2017年11月16日 · In other words, only the commission is recorded as sales. When Broker raise sales invoice to the customer, it includes the cost of goods and commission. Therefore, because of the current mechanism of invoicing, Broker has to charge Value Added Tax (VAT) for the total amount (value of goods + commission).
Broker's commission which should be paid while buying an …
2017年11月5日 · We are about to sign a contract with a major Dubai developer as a service provider to help them sell their units. We agreed on a commission which is more than 5% but in the contract, they provide us only 2% stating that this contract is as per the DLD and that the difference between these two percentages is agreed on an email basis.
Is the broker eligible to take commission from the buyer of a …
2021年1月6日 · Q: I had bought a property. As per the SPA, the broker is eligible for an amount of 2% from the seller side. The same broker is asking for 2% from my end. Is the broker eligible… A: What the broker is asking you is defying the law for no reasonable reason. nobody can ask or claim any commission…
Commission agreement - Q&A - Legal Advice Middle East
2017年6月14日 · Commission agreement. British national - now based in the UK - hoping to establish a sales agent or commission agreement with a local Dubai company distributing IT, Mobile accessories and gadgets to retailers in the region.
请教各位大佬,国外金融领域中brokerage, commission, fees各有 …
commission 可以理解为提成,是一种员工的薪酬支付方式,计件工资。例如承揽了多少IPO,卖出去多少证券,按比例分钱,这种一般base很低,但有资源的员工非常喜欢。 soft dollar 上面一位答主讲了,我想说另一种情况,就是内部考核中常提到的soft dollar。
Committee, commission, council 的区别? - 知乎
commission 的释义:an official group of people who have been given responsibility to control something, or to find out about something, usually for the government。表明commission比committee权力更大,不仅负责控制,还有find out的权力,这在英美通常是准司法权。两者最大区别还在于commission是独立机构。
What are the market fees of the broker when you sell a property in ...
2020年11月24日 · I have agreed through a real estate broker to sell a property in Dubai. The agent is charging the buyer a commission and the seller (me) a marketing fee which is about 40% of the size of the commission. In the event of the contract not being completed through my fault, the contract I am being asked to sign requires me to:
Is it legal if a real estate agent takes his commission share directly ...
2017年11月7日 · Even if you do not receive your salary for 14 months or commission you have to file a Labour case against your employer (to be filed within one year the claim arose). But the moment you ask the client to issue the payment directly to you (WITHOUT written approval from the company granting you the permission to do so) this is a breach of trust ...