CONCRETE PRESS produces, publishes, and presents books on art, media, and culture. Fiercely independent publishing since 2013. Founded in San Francisco, California, by Matteo Bittanti. Partners in crime: Random (p)Arts.
By combining different ideas, approaches, and disciplines in novel ways, CONCRETE PRESS is pushing creative expression to a new level. Our goal is to promote and provide unconventional subject matters, different design concepts, and compelling reading experiences.
A330 ADLER concrete vibrating press - Alfi Technologies
High performance conrete press. The A330 ADLER vibrating block making machine is adapted to the production of French blocks or hollow blocks, flooring blocks, pavers and kerbstones one-concrete.
Concrete press - All industrial manufacturers - DirectIndustry
Find your concrete press easily amongst the 3 products from the leading brands (QGM, TOPWERK, ...) on DirectIndustry, the industry specialist for your professional purchases.
Wet Press Machines - Parijatha Machinery
Parijatha Machinery, with years of experience in manufacture Heavy-duty Hydraulic presses, have developed the Single Mould Linear Wet press and Three Station Wet Press for manufacture of High-density Precast Concrete Products which can produce the densest form of concrete
Semi-Dry Concrete Presses - Group Rhodes
Combining versatility with robust, simple construction and design to accept various mould types, it can manufacture a wide variety of products to the strength and quality that the market requires, using a semi-dry concrete mix.
FPH - Three Mould Press - Forest Press Hyd
The flagship of concrete pressing is the 3-Mould Rotary Press. By using a hydraulic pressing process and rotary table system, this machine is one of the most efficient ways of producing pressed concrete products. Forest Press supply everything you need for the 3-Mould press.
Concrete block prefabrication press | ALFI Technologies
Our pressed concrete machines feature ultra-robust, modular architecture to keep pace with your changing needs. The concrete block prefabrication machine features a one-piece frame to be embedded in a concrete block. The aim is to absorb residual vibrations and guarantee a longer service life for the concrete press. It also allows for better ...
Brick Press From a Block Splitter : 3 Steps (with Pictures ...
Brick Press From a Block Splitter: This article shows how to turn a hydraulic block splitter into a brick press or block press suitable for making concrete blocks or natural clay bricks by changing the splitting knife to a mould box.
Vibro Press Machines - Parijatha Machinery
Parijatha BM1000 is an Automatic Block Making Machine with Heavy Duty Tubular Frame Construction to withstand Heavy Vibrations and Pressure. BM1000 is the Latest Big Board Block Machine designed specially for rugged working conditions and for bulk production of …