Contax I - Wikipedia
The Contax I, or Original Contax, is a 35 mm rangefinder camera made between 1932 and 1936 by Zeiss Ikon. The Contax I had six identifiable variants, but fundamentally identical; every aspect was designed to outperform the Leica.
Zeiss Contax 1 - CameraQuest
The Contax I's strongest point was its great Zeiss lenses. Contax offered a wide range (for its time) of 28mm to 180mm. Particular interesting were the 50/1.5 Sonnar, 85/2 Sonnar, the world's first super speed wide angle, the 40/2 Biotar, and the …
Zeiss-Ikon Contax I (1932) - mike eckman dot com
2022年8月30日 · This is a Contax I, a 35mm rangefinder camera produced by Zeiss-Ikon in Dresden, Germany between the years 1932 and 1936. This particular version is considere
康泰時 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Contax I型 (1932年3月上市) - 以 Heinz Kueppenbender 博士為中心所設計的旗艦機種。 具有精確度高的長基線測距器,除了 Tessar 2.8cmF8這顆鏡頭之外都可以連動。 因外觀顏色為深色,俗稱 Block Contax。 此型設計的概念為「忠實呈現攝影者的意圖」,蔡司公司以其技術力投入開發,以此機型所拍攝的成果為當時35mm片幅相機中最好的。 之後有多種改良型I-1~I-7:(以下為小林孝久先生的分類) I-1 型 - 快門速度為Z、1/25〜1/1000秒。 測距器反光鏡鍍銀。 I-2 …
康泰时(Contax)一锅乱炖:EP1——仓促应战 - 知乎专栏
1932年,蔡司推出了Contax I,而同年徕卡则推出了Leica D(Leica II)。如果单单从技术数据的角度来看,Contax I对于徕卡简直可以说是碾压式的。首先是测距基线长度Contax比徕卡要长的多,这也就意味着更好的对焦精度。Contax采用了插刀式的卡口,而徕卡还是螺口。
Contax - Wikipedia
Contax (stylised as CONTAX in the Kyocera era) began as a German camera model in the Zeiss Ikon line in 1932, and later became a brand name. The early cameras were among the finest in the world, typically featuring high quality Zeiss interchangeable lenses.
Contax 1 Review – Camera Legend
The Contax I is a 35mm rangefinder film camera introduced by Zeiss Ikon of Germany in 1932. It had a production run of four years until 1936. As a true hardcore camera aficionado and Contax super-fan, the Contax I was always a camera on my wishlist.
Contax rangefinder - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera …
2024年11月22日 · The Contax I is a high-end 35mm rangefinder camera made by Zeiss Ikon to compete with Leica models. It was released in 1932. The Super Nettel was based on the Contax I, with the same kind of shutter but a folding body, a fixed lens, and a short-based rangefinder. It was intended to be a cheaper alternative.
《Contax 的体验》 Contax IIA 和 Zeiss Sonnar 50mm/F1.5 资料及 …
Contax 设计允许更高的最大快门速度:最高速度是1 ⁄ 1000秒,然后在 Contax II 中增加到1 ⁄ 1250秒。 快门穿过格式区域的较短尺寸这一事实是实现这一技术壮举的重要因素。
Zeiss Contax 康泰时 系列大全列表 – 毒镜头
为了对抗徕卡的水平旅行织物快门(最高速度1/500),Contax有一个垂直行程铰接式金属快门(最开始速度为1/500,开始后不久,在1/1000之后),基于设计Küppenbender之前的首席设计师Emanuel Goldberg教授来了。
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