List of carboxylic acids - Wikipedia
Carboxylic acids are organic acids characterized by a carboxyl (-COOH) functional group. The naming of these compounds is governed by IUPAC nomenclature, which ensures systematic and consistent naming of chemicals. Numerous organic compounds have other common names, often originating in historical source material thereof.
Carboxylic acid - Wikipedia
In organic chemistry, a carboxylic acid is an organic acid that contains a carboxyl group (−C (=O)−OH) [1] attached to an R-group. The general formula of a carboxylic acid is often written as R−COOH or R−CO2H, sometimes as R−C (O)OH with R referring to an organyl group (e.g., alkyl, alkenyl, aryl), or hydrogen, or other groups.
羧酸 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
羧 ( suō ) 酸 [1] [2] (英語: carboxylic acid ),有機酸的一種,是帶有羧基的有機化合物 [3] ,通式是R-COOH。 羧基的 化學式 為-C(=O)OH,通常寫成-COOH或-CO 2 H,它是由一個 羰 ( tāng ) 基 [ 1 ] (>C=O)和一個 羥 ( qiǎng ) 基 [ 4 ] (-O-H)組成的複合 官能基 。
Nomenclature of Carboxylic Acids - Chemistry LibreTexts
2023年1月23日 · Many carboxylic acids are called by the common names. These names were chosen by chemists to usually describe a source of where the compound is found. In common names of aldehydes, carbon atoms near the carboxyl group are often designated by Greek letters. The atom adjacent to the carbonyl function is alpha, the next removed is beta and so on.
Naming Carboxylic Acids - Chemistry Steps
2022年10月13日 · In the IUPAC nomenclature, carboxylic acids are named by adding a suffix to the parent name of the longest chain. If the parent chain is noncyclic, you need to first find the longest carbon chain containing the -COOH group and change the suffix from “ane” to “ oic acid ” dropping the “e” and the locant “1” in the final name:
carboxylic acid - Encyclopedia Britannica
2025年3月12日 · carboxylic acid, any of a class of organic compounds in which a carbon (C) atom is bonded to an oxygen (O) atom by a double bond and to a hydroxyl group (―OH) by a single bond. A fourth bond links the carbon atom to a hydrogen (H) atom or to some other univalent combining group.
15.1: Carboxylic Acids - Structures and Names
2022年8月16日 · Carboxylic acids feature a carbon atom doubly bonded to an oxygen atom and also joined to an OH group. The four acids illustrated here are formic acid (a), acetic acid (b), propionic acid (c), and butyric acid (d). The acid with the carboxyl group attached directly to a benzene ring is called benzoic acid (C 6 H 5 COOH).
羧酸 - 百度百科
分子中具有羧基(—COOH)的化合物称为羧酸。 羧酸 [2](RCOOH)(Carboxylic Acid)是最重要的一类 有机酸。 一类 通式 为RCOOH或R (COOH)n 的化合物, 官能团:-COOH。 X射线衍射证明,甲酸中羰基的键长123pm长于正常的羰基122pm;C-O的键长131pm小于醇中的 C-O的键长143pm;在甲酸晶体中,两个碳氧键键长均为127pm。 通式RCOOH中R为脂烃基或 芳烃基,分别称为 脂肪 (族)酸或 芳香 (族)酸。 又可根据 羧基 的数目分为 一元酸 、 二元酸 与 多元 …
-COOH为什么叫羧基? - 知乎
其命名来源于拉丁文“carbo”,意为炭,因为早期的有机化学研究中,含该基团的化合物多与碳的氧化物有关。 他可以理解为由两部分组成,它由一个碳原子(C)双键连接一个氧原子(O)--羰基,以及一个羟基(-OH)组成。 也可以理解为 碳酸 失去氢氧 原子团 而成的正一价复基,即原子团-COOH [carboxyl]。 同时,他又展示出很多酸的性质,(由于羟基中的氢原子在一定条件下可以较容易地脱离,形成H+离子,使羧酸成为弱酸。 因此,-COOH作为羧酸分子的一部分,其名称 …
2.1: Carboxylic Acids - Structures and Nomenclature
2021年5月22日 · Carboxylic acids feature a carbon atom doubly bonded to an oxygen atom and also joined to an OH group. The four acids illustrated here are formic acid (a), acetic acid (b), propionic acid (c), and butyric acid (d). The acid with the carboxyl group attached directly to a benzene ring is called benzoic acid (C 6 H 5 COOH).