GitHub - wangguanquan/eec: A fast and lower memory excel …
EEC(Excel Export Core)是一款轻量且高效的Excel读写工具,它具有包体小、接入代码量少和运行时消耗资源少等优点. EEC的设计初衷是为了解决Apache POI内存高、速度慢且API臃肿的诟病。
eec: 一款轻量且高效的Excel读写工具,它具有包 ... - Gitee
EEC(Excel Export Core)是一款轻量且高效的Excel读写工具,它具有包体小、接入代码量少和运行时消耗资源少等优点. EEC的设计初衷是为了解决Apache POI内存高、速度慢且API臃肿的诟病。 EEC的底层并不依赖POI包,所有的底层代码均自己实现,事实上EEC仅依赖 dom4j 和 slf4j,前者用于小文件xml读取,后者统一日志接口。 EEC在JVM参数 -Xmx10m -Xms10m 下读写100w行x29列内存使用截图,下载 eec-benchmark 项目进行性能测试.
CoreELEC is a ‘Just enough OS’ Linux distribution based on Kodi 1 technology for popular Amlogic hardware. This project offer support for a wide range of Amlogic SoC start with GXB, S905 till newest T7, A311D2 (2024). CoreELEC will give you the best possible multimedia experience by supporting most of the commonly used video and audio formats.
Core Tuning
The Core Tuning packages are one of best software-hardware combinations for calibrating a Ford ECU / PCM. Designed to work with the Electronic Engine Controller EEC-IV, EEC-V, Power PC, Copperhead, TriCore series of Ford processors.
There are 8 areas of competence that are addressed in the Massachusetts Core Competencies for early education and care and out -of-school time educators. Each competency area is a broad topic area that is
Education Evaluation Core - Boston University
Education Evaluation Core. The purpose of the Education Evaluation Core (EEC) is to provide research support to clinician- and scientist-educators within the Department of Medicine. The EEC provides consultation on a wide range of tasks: Articulating hypotheses and research questions; Developing logic models and theories of change; Designing ...
Downloads - EEC Analyzer
Follow the links below to get your copy of EEC Analyzer or Binary Editor. Please note that full functionality requires purchasing a license. Binary Editor 2010+ must be used when using the Moates Quarterhorse.
There are 8 areas of competence that are addressed in the Massachusetts Core Competencies for early education and care and out-of-school time educators. Each competency area is a broad topic area that is essential caring for and educating young children and youth.
Conceptualised and funded by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and the Energising Development (EnDev) partnership, EEC’s core aim is to provide an inclusive, solution- oriented approach to support a number of renewable energy enterprises (encompassing at least 25% women-owned) in order to accelerate their growth trajectory towards ...
EEC Analyzer
The EEC Analyzer is a best-of-breed software solution for analyzing data produced by today's common automotive dataloggers. Designed with the EEC series of Ford processors in mind, the EEC Analyzer is a complete solution for assisting the tuner in getting the most out of their ride.