COSMAC ELF - Wikipedia
The COSMAC Elf was an RCA 1802 microprocessor-based computer described in a series of construction articles in Popular Electronics magazine in 1976 and 1977. Through the back pages of electronics magazines, both Netronics and Quest Electronics offered low-priced, enhanced kits that were based on this design.
COSMAC ELF - RCA CDP1802 Computing
RCA CDP1802 COSMAC microprocessor data, books, newsletters, history, and photos of computers and devices based on this pioneering 8-bit CMOS chip.
Membership Card & RCA 1802 Microcomputer Kits | The Sunrise …
Build the COSMAC "ELF" -- A Low-Cost Experimenter's Microcomputer. The original Aug 1976 Popular Electronics article by Joseph Weisbecker that started it all. The VCF-ELF is an original ELF, built for the 2016 Vintage Computer Fair Midwest.
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Building and programming an ELF is about as basic as it gets when it comes to learning the rudiments of micro-computing. This User’s Manual was written as part of the documentation package for a new ‘build’ of the original ELF computer …
History - COSMAC ELF
The COSMAC ELF was conceived as a hobbyist computer, as bare-bones as any of the day. The original ELF project featured: RCA's eight-bit “COSMAC” CDP-1802 microprocessor; 256 bytes of static RAM; Eight toggle switches and a pushbutton for data input; Two toggle switches to control the CPU's mode;
Building the COSMAC ELF Microcomputer - Circuit Cellar
2021年10月1日 · The heart of the computer is the RCA CDP1802 COSMAC, which was nicknamed the “ELF” for the Popular Electronics article. The COSMAC is an 8-bit data, 16-bit address CPU, which uses von Neumann bus design.
COSMAC ELF漫谈 - 哔哩哔哩
其中最普遍的方案就是cosmac elf。 1976年8月,Joseph Weisbecker在《大众电子》上发表了一种全新的微型计算机设计方案,这就是最初的ELF计算机。 Bill Buzbee制作的经典ELF计算机
COSMAC Elf - Vintage Computer Federation Forums
2010年2月8日 · The COSMAC Elf is a microcomputer project designed by [wiki]Joseph Weisbecker[/wiki] published in Popular Electronics magazine in August and September of 1976. These articles described the base system and its construction in detail.
COSMAC ELF - Old Computer Museum
cosmac elf In August 1976 issue of Popular Electronics magazine, Joseph Weisbecker published a design for "Low-cost experimenter's microcomputer" using RCA's COSMAC CDP1802 microprocessor chip. It is a very simple computer having 256 bytes of memory, switches as input and LED as output.
Vintage COSMAC Elf Is Pretty Close To Original - Hackaday
2017年3月7日 · But in 1976 a very popular article ran on building a very simple computer called the COSMAC ELF. [Youtubba] had an Altair, but always wanted a “cute” COSMAC ELF. Now, forty-something years...
Cosmac Elf - HubPages
All in all, the original COSMAC Elf was the most elegant personal computer ever designed; affordable, easy to build, and easy to program. If you want to build your own computer, you won't find a better design than the COSMAC Elf. Running an Elf - …
The heart of the Elf microcomputer is the new RCA CDP1802 COSMAC microprocessor chip that sells for less than $30. The chip can use any combination of standard RAM and ROM devices and can address up to 65,536 (65 k) bytes of memory. It has flexible programmed I/O and program-interrupt modes,
Books & Papers - COSMAC ELF
“COSMAC ELF Microcomputer Trainer User’s Manual” and build documentation by Paul Schmidt. When Popular Electronics detailed the original COSMAC ELF in 1976, the article was enough to get a curious person started, but Paul Schmidt’s contribution takes the build to the next level.
Retroputing: Build A Classic RCA COSMAC ELF System - Retro …
2008年5月9日 · The original RCA COSMAC ELF appeared on the front cover of the August 1976 issue of Popular Electronics. It was a complete computer based on the RCA 1802 CPU and cost under $100 to build from a bare board.
explaned how to realize a computer based on 1802 processor called ELF, for only $80. In succeeding articles a lot of expansions were described and realized, and they made the COSMAC ELF a real home computer, starting a sort of open-source hardware community of hobbyists which created several accessories and new expansions.
Paul C. Moews’ Programs for the COSMAC Elf - GitHub
This repository contains PDF scans of Programs for the COSMAC Elf, a series of booklets published by Paul C. Moews during the late ’70s and early ’80s. All scans in this repository are provided for noncommercial use only.
Build The COSMAC "ELF" Part 1 - Internet Nebraska
The heart of the Elf microcomputer is the new RCA CDP1802 COSMAC microprocessor chip that sells for less than $30. The chip can use any combination of standard RAM and ROM devices and can address up to 65,536 (65 k) bytes of memory.
2020年7月10日 · Keep your eyes on the upcoming events links found on most pages of cosmacelf.com and get your ELF to the nearest one! Going off-topic here for a moment to join the rest of the world in condemning Vladimir Putin's aggression against Ukraine. Here’s a guide from NPR.org about how U.S. based residents can lend their support.
Cosmac Elf - Hackaday
2023年10月4日 · The COSMAC Elf is a great little machine built around a 40-pin RCA 1802 processor, and for many was the first computer they owned.
GitHub - wel97459/FPGACosmacELF: A re-creation of a Cosmac ELF …
FPGA Cosmac ELF This is a re-creation of a Cosmac ELF computer, Coded in SpinalHDL. The goal of this project is to end up with a cycle-accurate 1802 processor that can be used in FPGA designs easily.