COSMAC ELF - Wikipedia
The COSMAC Elf was an RCA 1802 microprocessor-based computer described in a series of construction articles in Popular Electronics magazine in 1976 and 1977. Through the back …
COSMAC ELF - RCA CDP1802 Computing
RCA CDP1802 COSMAC microprocessor data, books, newsletters, history, and photos of computers and devices based on this pioneering 8-bit CMOS chip.
Membership Card & RCA 1802 Microcomputer Kits | The Sunrise …
Build the COSMAC "ELF" -- A Low-Cost Experimenter's Microcomputer. The original Aug 1976 Popular Electronics article by Joseph Weisbecker that started it all. The VCF-ELF is an original …
- [PDF]
Building and programming an ELF is about as basic as it gets when it comes to learning the rudiments of micro-computing. This User’s Manual was written as part of the documentation …
History - COSMAC ELF
The COSMAC ELF was conceived as a hobbyist computer, as bare-bones as any of the day. The original ELF project featured: RCA's eight-bit “COSMAC” CDP-1802 microprocessor; 256 …
Building the COSMAC ELF Microcomputer - Circuit Cellar
2021年10月1日 · The heart of the computer is the RCA CDP1802 COSMAC, which was nicknamed the “ELF” for the Popular Electronics article. The COSMAC is an 8-bit data, 16-bit …
COSMAC ELF漫谈 - 哔哩哔哩
其中最普遍的方案就是cosmac elf。 1976年8月,Joseph Weisbecker在《大众电子》上发表了一种全新的微型计算机设计方案,这就是最初的ELF计算机。 Bill Buzbee制作的经典ELF计算机
COSMAC Elf - Vintage Computer Federation Forums
2010年2月8日 · The COSMAC Elf is a microcomputer project designed by [wiki]Joseph Weisbecker[/wiki] published in Popular Electronics magazine in August and September of …
COSMAC ELF - Old Computer Museum
cosmac elf In August 1976 issue of Popular Electronics magazine, Joseph Weisbecker published a design for "Low-cost experimenter's microcomputer" using RCA's COSMAC CDP1802 …
Vintage COSMAC Elf Is Pretty Close To Original - Hackaday
2017年3月7日 · But in 1976 a very popular article ran on building a very simple computer called the COSMAC ELF. [Youtubba] had an Altair, but always wanted a “cute” COSMAC ELF. Now, …
Cosmac Elf - HubPages
All in all, the original COSMAC Elf was the most elegant personal computer ever designed; affordable, easy to build, and easy to program. If you want to build your own computer, you …
The heart of the Elf microcomputer is the new RCA CDP1802 COSMAC microprocessor chip that sells for less than $30. The chip can use any combination of standard RAM and ROM devices …
Books & Papers - COSMAC ELF
“COSMAC ELF Microcomputer Trainer User’s Manual” and build documentation by Paul Schmidt. When Popular Electronics detailed the original COSMAC ELF in 1976, the article was enough …
Retroputing: Build A Classic RCA COSMAC ELF System - Retro …
2008年5月9日 · The original RCA COSMAC ELF appeared on the front cover of the August 1976 issue of Popular Electronics. It was a complete computer based on the RCA 1802 CPU and …
explaned how to realize a computer based on 1802 processor called ELF, for only $80. In succeeding articles a lot of expansions were described and realized, and they made the …
Paul C. Moews’ Programs for the COSMAC Elf - GitHub
This repository contains PDF scans of Programs for the COSMAC Elf, a series of booklets published by Paul C. Moews during the late ’70s and early ’80s. All scans in this repository are …
Build The COSMAC "ELF" Part 1 - Internet Nebraska
The heart of the Elf microcomputer is the new RCA CDP1802 COSMAC microprocessor chip that sells for less than $30. The chip can use any combination of standard RAM and ROM devices …
2020年7月10日 · Keep your eyes on the upcoming events links found on most pages of cosmacelf.com and get your ELF to the nearest one! Going off-topic here for a moment to join …
Cosmac Elf - Hackaday
2023年10月4日 · The COSMAC Elf is a great little machine built around a 40-pin RCA 1802 processor, and for many was the first computer they owned.
GitHub - wel97459/FPGACosmacELF: A re-creation of a Cosmac ELF …
FPGA Cosmac ELF This is a re-creation of a Cosmac ELF computer, Coded in SpinalHDL. The goal of this project is to end up with a cycle-accurate 1802 processor that can be used in …