U.S. CattleTrace | United States
The development of a cattle disease traceability system has risen to one of the top priorities in the industry throughout multiple segments of the beef value chain. To address this industry-wide priority, U.S. CattleTrace was established from a collaborative effort of …
Trase: Brazilian beef exports and deforestation | SEI
2023年11月21日 · Trase analysis shows that the three largest beef traders – JBS, Minerva and Marfrig – continue to be the most exposed to deforestation and conversion from exports of …
Trase - Insights and analysis on commodity trade sustainability - Trase
Trase empowers you with data and insight to eliminate deforestation and transition towards more sustainable and equitable agricultural supply chains. Tony’s Chocolonely’s ‘open chain’ …
中巴两国如何打造更可持续的畜牧业:数据或许是解法 - Insights - Trase
2024年3月4日 · 2023 年 11 月,从巴西进口大豆的中国贸易商中粮国际(COFCO International)与现代牧业集团(Modern Farming Group)签署了一份 3000 万美元的巴西大豆采购订单,首次包含了零毁林和无土地利用转化采购条款。 随后,圣牧有机奶业有限公司也同中粮国际签署了一份相似的大豆采购谅解备忘录。 中国的牛肉进口商可以借鉴中国买家和巴西供应商之间的合作经验,为制定、监测和评估自己的采购要求提供信息。 中国和巴西的共同努力有可能 …
What is Trase? - Trase - trase.earth
Trase transforms our understanding of globally traded agricultural commodities. It empowers companies, financial institutions, governments and others to address sustainability risks and opportunities by linking supply chain actors and financiers to …
Trase | Observable
2024年8月12日 · Trase is a supply chain transparency initiative that seeks to transform our understanding of how companies and governments involved in the trade of agricultural commodities are linked to impacts and opportunities for more sustainable production
Who is U.S. CattleTrace? | U.S. CattleTrace
In January 2020, multiple state cattlemen’s organizations from major beef producing regions announced a partnership to form U.S. CattleTrace, a disease traceability initiative. The goal is …
As the Brazil-EU beef trade grows, Trase’s data, updated annually, ofer a powerful way to monitor the sources of beef exports from Brazil to the EU, and any change in the deforestation risk that EU companies and consumers are exposed to.
This document describes the data and methods that Trase used to map the subnational supply chain for Brazilian beef exports from 2015-2017, using a model called 'SEI-PCS Brazil beef v2.0.1'. For all beef, offal and live cattle exports from 2015-2017, this model mapped the likely municipality of origin.
Trase data link agricultural commodity production to deforestation and other social and environmental impacts – and in turn to specific trading companies and consumer markets. lm oil from Indonesia; beef from Brazil and Paraguay; and chicken from Brazil. It highlights key trends and insights that help