Using conditional statements for CPLEX resolver
2015年3月9日 · It is possible to use if-then-else expression with CPLEX if the condition (the expression between if and then) doesn't contain variables. CPLEX also supports so called "indicator constraints" (see here for more details) which use implication operator (==>) and are somewhat similar to if-then-else, but allow variables in the condition.
optimization - Interpretation of GAP in CPLEX - Stack Overflow
2017年3月31日 · Solvers like CPLEX search for an optimal solution by splitting the search space into sub-regions and then ruling out sub-regions that can't possibly contain the optimal integer-feasible solution. These sub-regions get split into sub-sub-regions, and so on.
How is an if statement possible with decision variables in CPLEX
In CPLEX OPL I want to create a condition using a variable. Hot Network Questions Installation help on ...
Comparison between CPLEX and Gurobi - Stack Overflow
2020年10月26日 · Gurobi and CPLEX are solvers that have been very popular in recent years. CPLEX is easier for academics in terms of the license. It is also said to be very high in performance. But Gurobi is claimed to be the fastest solver in …
python - AttributeError: module 'cplex' has no attribute 'Cplex ...
2019年10月8日 · I am trying to optimize a linear programming problem using CPLEX in Python. I already installed the IBM ILOG CPLEX Studio, as well as the docplex in Python. When I run the program I'm having the following error: AttributeError: …
solver - Downloading and setting up CPLEX for Pyomo
2020年6月11日 · I understand the Academic Version of CPLEX is downloadable, and that one needs to just download and click for installation. The Cplex executable is different from the API as the API is just a wrapper that translated Python instructions into C instructions during execution, and the Cplex executable is invoked specifically by Pyomo.
How to read an lp file with CPLEX? - Stack Overflow
2020年10月22日 · MIP - Integer optimal solution: Objective = 4.9900000000e+02 Solution time = 0.19 sec. Iterations = 124 Nodes = 0 Deterministic time = 7.91 ticks (42.08 ticks/sec) CPLEX> write location.sol Incumbent solution written to file 'location.sol'. CPLEX> quit The cplex commandline tool is very useful tool when you get to know it.
file io - How to export cplex' solution? - Stack Overflow
2016年4月15日 · ./cplex -c "read quadratic_obj.lp" "opt" "set logfile tmp.log" "display solution variables -" "quit" This will put the output into a file named tmp.log, but there is still some extra stuff in there that you'd need to post-process with a script (or something like this). See this link (for version 12.6.3) for more information on this technique.
How to install CPLEX with python? - Stack Overflow
2015年5月22日 · I am trying to install cplex for python 2.7.9. I downloaded IBM ILOG CPLEX Studio Preview 12.6.1 32bit and I tried to install it from Pycharm (using the GUI and the install package button) but I go...
c++ - How to set gap when solving with cplex - Stack Overflow
2012年3月5日 · cplex_model.setParam(IloCplex::EpGap, 0.01); is correct. If the EpGap is 1 (1%) it goes to the next feasible solution found that gives a duality gap of 1% or less, so once it goes under 1% it should stop and give you that solution. So in …