CPTD Introduction
The Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD®) is a professional certification for TD professionals with at least five years of experience. It is broad and measures a professional’s knowledge and skill application across the breadth of talent development capabilities.
CPTD 认证考试
cptd®是由atd认证学院颁发的人才发展认证专家,涉及范围广泛,涵盖atd新版人才发展能力模型的22大能力范围,拓宽人才发展专业人士的知识。 CPTD 介绍
CPTD Certification Preparation Course
The complete CPTD® exam prep program, personalized and adapted to prepare you best. Accelerate your readiness for the certification exam with customizable resources including content modules, self-assessments, live online sessions, discussions, a timed practice test, and access to the TDBoK™ Guide: Talent Development Body of Knowledge.
SACE | South African Council for Educators
All educators must sign-up manually or electronically on the CPTD-IS before they participate in their 1st CPTD Cycle. The following are the SIGN-UP YEARS for the three identified cohorts:
What is the CPTD? - ATD National
The CPTD is a professional certification for talent development practitioners with deep knowledge and experience applying the principles for enhancing employee workplace learning and performance. A CPTD credential holder understands and can affect the value and impact talent development strategies and solutions bring to the success of an ...
培训课程《培训管理师》 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
CPTD®(Certification Project in Talent Development)人才发展评价项目是《培训》杂志 中国企业 人才开发院联合国内外知名的学习专家、资深的企业大学校长、优秀的学习与发展总监,为中国企业人才发展领域相关专业从业者精心设计的能力提升评价项目。
Accelerate your readiness for the Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD®) certification exam and earn the credential that proves your talent development capability.
【线上】CPTD人才发展认证专家认证考前辅导 - 无忧测培商城ATD …
人才发展认证专家(cptd®)是由 atd 认证学院(atd ci)为人才发展专业人士提供的一项认证。 该项认证以人才发展能力模型为基础。 CPTD®涵盖人才发展能力模型中的部分知识,关注于至少具有五(5)年人才发展从业经验的高级专业人员成功工作所需的基础知识。
APTD和CPTD持证人都能享受哪些ATD专属福利? - 百家号
2023年2月27日 · 全球48个国家和地区有3654位CPTD持证人,中国大陆地区有35位CPTD持证人。 作为持证人,可以享受ATD中国各类活动或产品的专属福利。 除此之外,ATD还通过众多线上、线下活动为持证人提供个人展示平台,帮助大家持续学习,打造个人品牌。 茶话会的第三部分,ATD为各位持证人详细介绍了“再认证”的规则与流程。 为了鼓励持证人在人才发展行业内不断学习和进步,APTD和CPTD证书的有效期均为三年,持证人必须在每三年的认证持有期结束前 …
2 THE CPTD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM INTRODUCTION The South African Council for Educators (SACE) is responsible for managing and implementing the Continuing Professional Teacher Development (CPTD) System, with the support of the Department of Basic Education (DBE) and the 9 Provincial Education Departments (PEDs).