CR10 V3 vs CR10S Pro V2 : r/CR10 - Reddit
2020年10月20日 · I have decided upon a CR10 as my first printer. What I am stuck on though, is whether to get the CR10S PRO V2, or the CR10 V3. I would like the option to play with some flexible filament, so I feel the direct drive extruder on the V3 is a good thing, and it is $110 CAD cheaper than the CR10S Pro V2, but doesn't have a BL Touch included.
SKR Mini E3 V3 on a CR-10? : r/BIGTREETECH - Reddit
2022年10月8日 · Download the Marlin Ender 3 FW image for the SKR Mini v3.0. Here is a link to someone's Configuration.h file for a CR-10S on an SKR Mini V2. Here is a link to the OG FW source. I'm in the process of trying the v2 config example edited to account for the SKR v3 architecture right this very second. It's not going smoothly.
Help me choose. CR10s pro v2. or CR10 v3 : r/CR10 - Reddit
2021年12月13日 · The CR10S Pro V2 has two things going for it though: much nicer touchscreen-driven UI and the all-in-one design compared to the CR10 V3's external control box and basic control interface. I use Octoprint so I rarely ever use the UI, and when I do it's sufficient and the external control box allows me to keep it outside of a heated enclosure ...
Fastest Print Speed on the V3? : r/CR10 - Reddit
2022年4月7日 · Old thread, sorry. Ive got a 2018 CR10 that Im upgrading. Ive got it pretty dialed in and now working on the slicer settings. Im using Cura 5.2.1. Im looking at the Creality V3 Spider hotend and the "tough" extruder, still setup at bowden style.
SKR MINI E3 V3.0 32 Bit Control Board on a cr10s : r/CR10 - Reddit
2022年6月1日 · I just received my SKR MINI E3 V3 and TF35-E3 V3.0.1 touchscreen. The new controls are connected and the system powers up. I have heated the bed and extruder and fans operate properly. I am working on getting the proper firmware for the CR-10S when I …
CR-10 V3 Mainboard Upgrade to BTT Octopus? : r/CR10 - Reddit
2022年4月29日 · Go to CR10 r/CR10. r/CR10. This is the SubReddit for the Creality CR-10/CR-10S 3D Printer. ... SKR Mini E3 ...
Creality CR-10 - Reddit
This is the SubReddit for the Creality CR-10/CR-10S 3D Printer. Please be friendly and helpful. Message and mods before posting any sales links/affiliate links. Full rules are in the "Community Rules" link at the top of the sub.
r/CR10 on Reddit: Has anyone tried installing a Creality Sprite ...
2022年8月7日 · They include a 24V heater tube, but the OG CR10 has a 12V power supply. You might think, okay, just swap to a 12V and connect to Sprite. However, the ribbon cable used by the Sprite extruder is not rated to carry the necessary current …
Connecting CR10 via USB or wifi - 3D Printing Forum
2018年12月30日 · My PC (Linux Mint) sits right next to my CR10 and I'd like to be able to send files directly to it rather than load the SD card in to the PC, save the file, unplug the SD card, plug it into the CR10 control box, etc etc. I have a USB cable plugged into the CR10 and into a USB hub from my PC but the PC doesn't see the printer.
Here are some pics my cr10 v3 with a sprite pro extruder. Was
Here are some pics my cr10 v3 with a sprite pro extruder. Was trying to send pics to another member in the group but was unable to send them. I printed a upgraded part cooling fan duct from thingiverse, shortened the cables and bent the end stop bracket to have full use of my print bed.