CR2248 CR2249 619 935 1260 345 530 710 Monel CR2538 CR2539 CR2540 CR2545 895 1353 1823 490 740 1000 CRES CR2838 CR2839 CR2840 1221 1845 2488 570 860 1160 NOTE: Values shown are fastener capabilities only. Consult MIL-Handbook-5 for joint design allowances. INSTALLED WEIGHTS Pounds per 1000 pieces (Ref.) …
issue 07‐11‐78 cr2248 rev. u 5‐27‐15 form no. 1141‐05‐010, rev. j, date: 11 mar 15, dcr# 15‐0207 table iii grip dash no. ⑦ grip range rivet group ④ ‐4 dia ‐5 dia ‐6 dia min max l max k max l max k max l max k max ‐01 .045 .062 a
CR2248-4-1: CHERRY® AEROSPACE CherryLOCK® Bulbed Rivet, …
Bulbed CherryLOCK® is a complete shear fastening system. Its features can be utilized for optimum strength and performance in both thick and thin sheets. It provides the highest possible design integrity, particularly in double dimple or thin backside sheet applications.
CR2248 Rivets - Military Fasteners
CR2248-6-02 Blind Rivet. diameter: 3/16", grip range: 0.063" - 0.125", bulbed, 100 degree flush head, aluminum sleeve, steel stem, CR2248 series rivet
- [PDF]
cr2248 (nas 1739b) cr2249 (nas 1738b) 5056 alum. alloy steel cr2538 (nas 1739m) cr2539 (nas 1738m) monel inconel 600 cr2838 (nas 1739c) cr2839 (nas 1738c) inconel 600 a286 cres drill sizes & hole size limits rivet diameter drill size hole size rivet diameter drill size hole size min. max. min. max. 3/32 (-3) #40 .097 .100 bulbed cherrylock
Cherry Aerospace CR2248-5-08 CherryLOCK Countersunk Head …
Cherry Aerospace CR2248-5-08 CherryLOCK Countersunk Head Blind Rivet - Visit and view our entire section at SkyGeek!
CR2248-5-05 Rivet - Military Fasteners
Fastener Length: 5/8in. Fastener Length: 1/2in. $1.44 EA, Fastener Length: 3/8in. If you require a quote on this or any product please visit our quote request page » Browse our frequently asked questions page. You may contact us by phone at +1 (904) …
CR2248-4-02 Rivet - diameter 1/8 - Military Fasteners
CR2248-4-04 Blind Rivet in Rivets. diameter: 1/8", grip range: 0.188" - 0.250", bulbed, 100 degree flush head, 5056 aluminum sleeve, steel stem, CR2248 series rivet
Item # CR2248-4-02, Cherrylock Rivets - 1 pack = 100 pieces
Cherrylock Rivet - Diameter: 1/8", Grip Range: 0.063" - 0.125", Bulbed, 100 Degree Flush Head, 5056 Aluminum Sleeve, Steel Stem. N/A Due to the ongoing volatility in supply of blind rivets, all orders are subject to review. Please contact us for inquiries about product availability. N/A Need additional stock? Call (877) 920-1876 or email.
CR2248-4-1 BLIND RIVET | Buy now at Boeing Distribution
CR2248-4-1 BLIND RIVET available at BoeingDistribution.com. Click here to Buy Now!