What is the name of the ionic compound Cr2S3? - Answers
2024年6月19日 · Cr2S3 can be broken down. You know that when combined, the charges will flip and go to subscript. That means that it broken down, it is Cr^3 x S^2. Cr^3 is the transition metal, Chromium III. The ...
What is the ionic compound name for Cr2S3? - Answers
2024年5月29日 · The chemical formula Cr2S3 is for dichromium trisulfide.
What is the formula for chromium III sulfide? - Answers
2024年6月8日 · 2 Cr3+ ions have a total charge of +6. 3 S2- ions have a total charge of -6. So the formula is Cr2S3.
Is Cr3P2 chromium II or III? - Answers
2024年5月29日 · it is a chromium 2 as a good point of reference, and if you don't know the specific charge of an atom, check the ion to which it is bound: the phosphide ion is most commonly charged as a 3- ion ...
What is the name of the compound CrS? - Answers
The same elements can also make a different mineral compound, Cr2S3 where Chromium atoms share 3 electrons instead of two.
What is the chemical formula of chromium ( vi) sulfide?
2024年6月6日 · CrS3 is the formula of chromium (VI) sulfide
What is chromic sulfide formula? - Answers
2024年6月15日 · Formula: Cr2S3
What is the chemical name CrS? - Answers
The chemical name for CrS is chromium sulfide. It is composed of chromium and sulfur atoms in a 1:1 ratio.Strontium Sulfide
How many grams of Cr2O3 is required to produce 83.4 grams of …
Next, calculate the molar mass of Cr2S3, which is 480.32 g/mol. Using the molar ratio and molar masses, you can find that you need 160.11 grams of Cr2O3 to produce 83.4 grams of Cr2S3.
How do you write chromium VI sulfate as a formula? - Answers
The chemical formula for chromium VI sulfate is Cr2 (SO4)3. This compound contains two chromium ions (Cr) and three sulfate ions (SO4) in a 2:3 ratio, forming a neutral compound.Cr2SO6