CR-30 3D Printer | infinite z axis 3d printer - Creality 3D
3DPrintMill is a feature of infinite-length printing and bulk printing, The special infinite Z axis belt is the first Creality 3D printer to realize infinite build volume in the world.
CR-30 3DPrintMill - 创想三维(CREALITY)
CR-30 3D打印机,精彩不设限,智领未来旗舰版3D打印机! 无限Z轴,尽享无限精彩,可以实现连续打印批量的模型,还能进行一个无限长模型的打印,不仅生产率高,时间和成本效益更高。 双齿轮金属挤出机构,200小时以上持续输出无压力。 搭载智能断料检测和断电续打功能。 创想三维(Creality)是全球3D打印机领导品牌,国家高新技术企业,国家级专精特新“小巨人“,专注于3D打印机的研发和生产,产品覆盖“ 熔融沉积成型 和光固化”。 创想三维(Creality)是全 …
Creality CR-30 3DPrintMill 3D Printer - Micro Center
2015年12月21日 · 3DPrintMill (CR-30) is a feature of infinite-length printing and bulk printing, thereby time-saving in printing and cost-efficient. Have a question? Ask people who own it. Start typing your question and we'll check if it was already asked and answered. Q: What's the return policy for this unit?
- 评论数: 1
CR-30 3D Printer - Creality Official Store
Industrial-grade batch print enables fast model replication, impressive experience with speed and efficiency. Long model printed in an easier way, setting no limit for your imagination. Continuous printing for 200 hours without malfunction, stable and reliable.
CR 30 3D Printer - Creality Official Store
Creality CR-30, Batch Print Models, Infinite Z-Axis for Long Model Production, Up to 200-hour Continuous Operation without Malfunction, Stable Core-XY S...
Creality's CR30 Belt 3D Printer, CR-30 3DPrintMill US/AU/UK FREE …
An Infinite-Z volume 3D printer created by Naomi Wu & Creality3D, building on the work of Karl Brown and Bill Steele. 3DPrintMill is a feature of infinite-length printing and bulk printing, thereby time-saving in printing and cost-efficient. The special infinite-Z belt is the first Creality 3D printer to realize infinite build volume in the world.
- 评论数: 7
[開箱] Creality CR-30 不間斷 3D列印機,想印多少就有多少
2021年3月31日 · 創想三維這家公司與 Naomi Wu 共同開發打造一台有無限 Z軸的 3D列印機:3DPrintMill (CR-30),找來了皮帶式 3D列印機開源創建者 Bill Steele 和 Karl Brown 作為顧問,這台機器才得以誕生在市面上,價位也是相當的平易近人。 一般的 3D列印機大多都是設計 XYZ 軸,從平面一層一層堆疊,到完成物件;無限 Z軸的 3D列印機將列印噴頭改為 45 度角,Z 軸改為皮帶模式無限制滾動,就可以達到向前推送列印件的,可以讓列印的Z 軸沒有極限,但是相對 …
创想三维CR-30 3D打印机荣获海外2022年Tom's Hardware创新奖
创想三维3D打印机CR-30就以其出色的实力荣获首次举办的2022年Tom's Hardware创新奖 , 下面就让我们来看一看这款产品究竟有什么颠覆创新之处。 CR-30( 3D PrintMill ) 黑色机身,三角架构,产品科技感十足。CR-30是一款突破传统龙门结构的革命性创意产品 , 与其他3D打印机相比,最重要的区别是打印头以45° 角安装,与工作台和打印床呈传动带形式。 它不仅可以实现连续打印批量的模型,还能进行一个无限长模型的打印,200小时可连续工作,非常适合需要批量打 …
Creality 3DPrintMill (CR-30): Specs, Price, Release & Reviews
2020年11月18日 · Creality's infinite-Z belt 3D printer has landed. Well, sort of. The Kickstarter campaign is live. Join us as we recap all we currently know about the 3DPrintMill (formerly known as the CR-30) and its near-infinite potential. You get a notification when a new article is published. You can’t subscribe to updates from All3DP. Learn more…
Creality CR-30 3D Printer 3DPrintMill Infinite Z Belt Printer ...
With its conveyor-belt style print bed and 45° printing angle, this innovative belt printer allows you to print continuously, which makes printing long props in one-piece and batch printing possible. In addition, you can also print perfect unsupported overhangs with the printer.
Creality Cr 30 on eBay - Creality Cr 30 Sale
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