CRF250RX - Off-Road Enduro Motorcycle - Honda - Honda Powersports
The CRF250RX merges motocross thrill with desert racing design, featuring customized gearbox ratios, an 18-inch rear wheel, unique engine settings, handguards, a sidestand, and a larger fuel tank. So, if you're looking for a powerful, precise, and nimble off-road ride with cutting-edge suspension, look no further. Download brochure.
2025 Honda CRF250RWE | Motocross Bikes - Honda Powersports
Like the Team HRC race bikes, the CRF250RWE has a hydraulic clutch from the factory. This is a first for a stock Honda 250, eliminating the need to adjust the lever and providing a much …
Honda Crf 250X Motorcycles For Sale - Cycle Trader
Browse our extensive inventory of new and used Honda Crf motorcycles from local Honda dealers and private sellers. Compare prices, models, trims, options and specifications between …
本田发布2023款CRF250L/Rally - 懂车帝
近日本田发布了2023款CRF250L、CRF250Rally两个车型,公路版L增配车把护手,R版不变。 本田CRF250L,搭载249cc单缸水冷发动机,座高830mm,车重141kg,该车定位日常的铺装路 …
2009 Honda CRF250X specifications and pictures - Bikez
For the most demanding trail riders, the CRF250X does it all and has it all. It´s the optimum balance between power and weight, size and handling. US$ 6699. MSRP depends on country, taxes, accessories, etc. 2.8 Check out the detailed rating of off-road capabilities, engine performance, maintenance cost, etc. Compare with any other bike.
Honda CRF250 (CRF250R, CRF250X, CRF250RX): review, history, …
Honda CRF250: history, specifications, images, videos, manuals.
「CRF250L」「CRF250L<s>」と「CRF250 RALLY」 - Honda Global
2025年2月28日 · 本田技研工業の広報発表ニュース - hondaは、市街地からオフロードまで幅広いシチュエーションでの軽快な走りが魅力のオン・オフロードモデル「crf250l」「crf250l<s>」「crf250 rally」「crf250 rally<s>」のカラーリング設定と仕様を一部変更し、3月20日(木)に発売します。
CRF250R - 250cc Dirt Bike - Honda - Honda Powersports
Bred in the highly competitive world of professional supercross and motocross, the new Honda CRF250R is our most advanced competition machine to date. Lightweight, agile, and highly responsive, this powerhouse dominates even the most challenging tracks with its torquey engine and redesigned chassis. One lap, and you'll see why winners Ride Red.
2009 Honda CRF250X Technical Specifications - Ultimate Specs
How tall (seat height) is a Honda CRF250X? The Honda CRF250X seat height is 958 mm (37.7 inches) If adjustable, lowest setting. How many gears does a Honda CRF250X has? The Honda CRF250X has 5 gears.
Honda CRF250X Review: Specs You MUST Know Before Buying
2023年6月30日 · Honda has several different 250cc 4-stroke models to choose from, so it's important to know which one will be best for you. In this review, I'll show you what kind of bike the CRF 250X is, why it may be a good or bad choice for you, and what to expect when buying and riding one. What is the CRF250X?