CRMP-5 neuronal autoantibody: marker of lung cancer and
We have defined a new paraneoplastic immunoglobulin G (IgG) autoantibody specific for CRMP-5, a previously unknown 62-kd neuronal cytoplasmic protein of the collapsin response-mediator family. CRMP-5 is in adult central and peripheral neurons, including synapses, and in small-cell lung carcinomas.
Collapsin response mediator protein family - Wikipedia
Collapsin response mediator protein family or CRMP family consists of five intracellular phosphoproteins (CRMP-1, CRMP-2, CRMP-3, CRMP-4, CRMP-5) of similar molecular size (60–66 kDa) and high (50–70%) amino acid sequence identity.
CRMP5 Antibodies—Diagnostic Challenges - PMC
We found that peripheral neuropathy and cerebellar ataxia together with lung cancer were the most common diagnoses associated with CRMP5 antibodies. CRMP5-CBA was easy to perform, identified all relevant cases for CRMP5-associated PNS and is therefore a valuable add-on for verification of CRMP5 positivity in diagnosis of PNS.
Autoimmune CRMP5 neuropathy phenotype and outcome defined ... - Neurology
2017年12月8日 · To establish the phenotype and clinical outcomes of collapsin response-mediator protein-5 (CRMP5) autoimmune neuropathy in comparison with anti-neuronal nuclear antibody type 1 (ANNA1)–immunoglobulin G (IgG) neuropathy. Patients with CRMP5-IgG and/or ANNA1-IgGs were identified in our service-line testing, and medical records were reviewed.
抗CV2/CRMP-5抗体临床特征分析 - 海默医学
CV2抗体可特异性识别坍塌反应调节蛋白(collapsing response mediator proteins,CRMPs),包括5个高度同源的胞质蛋白(CRMP1-5), 其中最常识别的是CRMP-5。 CRMP-5可在小细胞肺癌、胶质母细胞瘤和胸腺瘤中表达,并在癌细胞的增殖中起重要作用。 CV2蛋白也称CRMP5蛋白,CV2抗体属于副肿瘤综合征抗体谱,与肿瘤形成密切相关。 Vogrig等对意大利Udine地区进PNS流行病学调查显示该地区发病率约为1/10万人年,患病率为4/10万,发病率罕见。 在六 …
CRMP-5 interacts with actin to regulate neurite outgrowth
2015年12月9日 · CRMP family proteins (CRMPs) are abundantly expressed in the developing nervous system mediating growth cone guidance, neuronal polarity and axon elongation. CRMP-5 has been indicated to serve a critical role in neurite outgrowth. However, the detailed mechanisms of how CRMP-5 regulates neurite outgrowth remain unclear.
CRMP‐5‐IgG Associated Paraneoplastic Chorea - PMC
Anti‐CV2/CRMP‐5‐IgG is a neuronal autoantibody most commonly associated with small cell lung cancer. 1 The associated paraneoplastic syndrome can include chorea (11% of patients), cranial neuropathy, peripheral and autonomic neuropathy, cerebellar ataxia, neuromuscular junction disorders, and subacute dementia. 1 Here, we present a case ...
Collapsin response mediator protein 5-associated optic …
Collapsin response mediator protein 5-associated optic neuropathy (CRMP5-ON) is a rare entity of autoimmune optic neuropathy. This study aimed to review the neuro-ophthalmic findings and outcomes in a series of patients with CRMP5-ON to further characterize its clinical phenotype, radiologic clues, and outcomes.
Autoimmune CRMP5 neuropathy phenotype and outcome defined …
2018年1月9日 · Conclusion: Painful axonal asymmetric polyradiculoneuropathy is established as the major CRMP5 autoimmune neuropathy presentation and is distinguishable from other paraneoplastic neuropathies, including by ANNA1 autoimmunity. Patients with this phenotype should be prompted for CRMP5-IgG testing to assist in early cancer diagnosis.