Credentialing | Illinois Certification Board, Inc. - IAODAPCA
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读懂MOSFET动态参数-Qg,Ciss,Coss,Crss,Rg,开关时间 - 知乎
通常,MOSFET的芯片尺寸(表面积)越小,总电荷量就越小,但是导通电阻会变大,因此开关损耗与工作时的损耗之间存在一个平衡关系。 2、电容 (Ciss,Coss, Crss) Ciss,Coss,和Crss,跟栅极电荷一样影响着开关性能。
零基础学习功率半导体(17)---电容 (Ciss, Coss, Crss ) - 知乎
Crss对MOSFET的工作非常重要,特别是在高速切换条件下,它可以引起正反馈效应,导致不必要的振荡或者延迟关闭过程。 此外,Crss还会放大Vds的变化,这种现象被称为 米勒效应,会增加开关时间和损耗。
约瑟夫·克罗斯的选择 (豆瓣) - 豆瓣电影
2024年10月18日 · 约瑟夫事业有成、家庭美满,身为工地领班的他,不仅深得上司和下属信赖,也是尽责的丈夫与父亲。 然而这一夜,连夜赶工的建筑基地,他接到一通电话后随即擅自离开,丢下手边事关重大的工作,驱车赶往一个神秘的地点。 疾驰路上,电话响个不停:即将临盆的女子、充满质疑的妻子、不知所措的同事。 危机轮番上演,幸福人生就要瓦解,究竟是什么原因,让他不顾一切? 多角度重複鏡頭獨角戲,主角過於冷靜,神情變化也不算特別豐富,表演重心全在對 …
Review: Cross Away - Cineuropa
2024年11月19日 · With its brilliantly sustained breathless pace, Cross Away unfolds through a series of mini-crises which are fuelled by telephone conversations and which the protagonist must face and resolve alone.
Cross Away de Gilles Bourdos (2024) - Unifrance
2024年11月20日 · One night, he jumps into his car after taking a mysterious call and leaves the site of the most prestigious construction project of his career. At the gates, he must decide which way to go. Left or right, either way lies a whole new destiny.
Cross Away - filmlinc.org
In this Gallic take on Steven Knight’s Locke (2013), the great Vincent Lindon is Joseph Cross, a construction foreman who, on the eve of a consequential job, must flee his worksite for obscure reasons and drive deep into the night, while struggling to keep his life from falling apart.
CROSS AWAY - Hong-Kong French Film Festival 2024
CROSS AWAY is showing at the Hong Kong French Film Festival 2024. drama thriller directed by GILLES BOURDOS and starring VINCENT LINDON
Crash Report Sampling System | NHTSA
The Crash Report Sampling System (CRSS) builds on the retired, long-running National Automotive Sampling System General Estimates System (NASS GES). CRSS is a sample of police-reported crashes involving all types of motor vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists, ranging from property-damage-only crashes to those that result in fatalities.
Cross Away (Le Choix) - Cineuropa
2024年11月19日 · One hundred titles from 48 countries and a flurry of world premieres will form of the focus of this year’s Rome Film Fest. Directed by Paola Malanga for the third year running,
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