Regulating energy and water for a changing climate | CRU.ie
The CRU is working on a programme of actions to ensure Ireland has a stable and resilient supply of energy. As Ireland moves to a low-carbon economy, the transition will bring new challenges …
About us | CRU.ie - Commission for Regulation of Utilities
The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) is Ireland’s independent energy and water regulator.
what we do | CRU.ie
The Commission for Regulation of Utilities is Ireland’s independent energy and water regulator. Our work impacts Irish homes and businesses ensuring safe, secure and sustainable energy …
Contact Us | CRU.ie
If you have complained to your energy supplier/network or Uisce Eireann and are not happy with the outcome, you can make a complaint to the CRU. Phone 1800 404 404
Make a complaint | CRU.ie
Complain to the CRU. The CRU provides a free complaint resolution service for customers who have submitted a complaint to their supplier, network operator or Uisce Éireann and are …
Publications | CRU.ie
The CRU publications page provides access to various reports, documents, and updates related to the regulation of utilities in Ireland.
Switch supplier | CRU.ie - Commission for Regulation of Utilities
Energy Suppliers in Ireland. There are many energy suppliers offering natural gas, LPG and electricity in Ireland. Browse the list of all licensed energy suppliers and the services they …
Consumer Information | CRU.ie
The CRU is here to help you better understand your electricity and gas bills. Learn More
new-electricity-connection-policy-for-data-centre | CRU.ie
2025年2月18日 · CRU notes the actions relating to gas connection and flexibility measures in the Government’s Energy Security in Ireland to 2030 strategy and in the National Energy Demand …
Energy | CRU.ie - Commission for Regulation of Utilities
The CRU, as the regulator, sets price controls/reviews for network companies that operate Ireland's gas and electricity networks. Learn More