CS2000 | Cirrus Logic
The CS2000-CP is controlled via an I²C ® / SPI™ control port and supports the full functionality of the CS2000. The CS2000-OTP is controlled in hardware mode via three mode pins. The functionality of the eight selectable modes is user defined and configured via the one-time-programmable feature.
CS2000 - Cirrus Logic
时钟电路 IC CS2000 具有时钟生成器和时钟倍增/抖动降低的时钟频率合成器(清理),Cirrus Logic CS2x00 系列强势进入时钟 IC 市场。 CS2x00 基于创新的混合模数锁相环,为系统设计者提供了一种无与伦比的解决方案,可解决时钟生成和倍增/抖动降低的复杂挑战。 CS2x00 产品系列成员因其控制方式和/或硬件模式配置而脱颖而出。 CS2000-CP 通过 I²C ® /SPI™ 控制端口进行控制,并支持 CS2000 的全部功能。 CS2000-OTP 通过三个模式引脚在硬件模式中进行控制。 八 …
CS2000CP-CZZ_Cirrus Logic(凌云)_CS2000CP-CZZ中文资料_PDF …
CS2000CP-CZZ由Cirrus Logic(凌云)设计生产,立创商城现货销售。 CS2000CP-CZZ价格参考¥21.53。 Cirrus Logic(凌云) CS2000CP-CZZ参数名称:接口类型:I2C;最大输出频率:75MHz;工作电压:3.1V~3.5V;输出通道数:1;工作温度:-10℃~+70℃。
CS2000CP-CZZ Cirrus Logic Inc. | Integrated Circuits (ICs) | DigiKey
Order today, ships today. CS2000CP-CZZ – Fractional N Synthesizer IC 75MHz 1 10-TFSOP, 10-MSOP (0.118", 3.00mm Width) from Cirrus Logic Inc.. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
CS2000-CP by Cirrus Logic Inc. Datasheet | DigiKey
The CS2000-CP is based on a hybrid ana- Synthesizer and a Digital PLL. This architecture allows. clock. The design is also unique in that it can gene rate. tion clocks at frequencies as …
CS2000CP-DZZR_Cirrus Logic(凌云)_CS2000CP-DZZR中文资 …
立创商城提供Cirrus Logic(凌云)的时钟发生器/频率合成器/PLLCS2000CP-DZZR中文资料,PDF数据手册,引脚图,封装规格,价格行情和库存,采购CS2000CP-DZZR上立创商城 您好,请 登录 免费注册 手机立创 消息( 0 )
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CS2000-CP - Digi-Key
The CS2000-CP is an extremely versatile system clocking device that utilizes a programmable phase lock loop. The CS2000-CP is based on a hybrid ana- log-digital PLL architecture comprised of a unique combination of a Delta-Sigma Fractional-N Frequency Synthesizer and a Digital PLL.
CS2000CP-CZZ Cirrus Logic | Mouser - 贸泽
CS2000CP-CZZ Cirrus Logic 时钟合成器/抖动清除器 IC Gen Purpose PLL Clock Synth / Multi 数据表, 库存, 价格.
CS2000CP-CZZR Cirrus Logic | Mouser - Mouser Electronics
CS2000CP-CZZR Cirrus Logic Phase Locked Loops - PLL IC General Purpose PLL Crystal datasheet, inventory, & pricing.
CS2000CP-CZZ Cirrus Logic Inc. | 積體電路 (IC) | DigiKey
Cirrus Logic Inc. 的 CS2000CP-CZZ – Fractional N Synthesizer IC 75MHz 1 10-TFSOP, 10-MSOP (0.118", 3.00mm Width)。 DigiKey 提供數百萬款電子元件的價格及供貨情況。