How to restart some progress which is stopped by "ctrl+z"?
2014年10月28日 · If you send a process to background usning ctrl-z it will pause itself. You can resume that using bg and it will stay running in background. If this is not what you want then …
java - Ending a program with ctrl+Z - Stack Overflow
2015年4月30日 · Ctrl-Z is the DOS command code for end of input (the UNIX equivalent is Ctrl-D). All command line programs should support this because it allows you to pipe output from …
character - How to send ctrl+z in C - Stack Overflow
2013年4月21日 · The control characters control-A through control-Z map to the character code for the (upper-case) letter minus 64, so control-A is code 1, while control-Z is 26. The character …
How to go back (ctrl+z) in vi/vim - Stack Overflow
2012年9月15日 · Here is a trick though. You can map the Ctrl+Z keys. This can be achieved by editing the .vimrc file. Add the following lines in the '.vimrc` file. nnoremap <c-z> :u<CR> " …
Eclipse combination opposite to Ctr+Z - Stack Overflow
2012年7月16日 · I really need Eclipse combination opposite to Ctrl + Z. When we navigate back with Ctrl + Z sometimes we need to go further.
How to make text, number and date html input fields support …
2012年8月21日 · The text input field appears to support the Ctrl+Z (undo) fully. The number and date input field only supports it, if the value has been typed into the field in question. If, …
Capturing ctrl+z key combination in javascript - Stack Overflow
2013年4月15日 · @PaulJohnston Because a key code isn't the same as a character code. Character codes are for text (they differ depending on the encoding, but in a lot of cases 0-127 …
javascript - Preventing ctrl+z in browser - Stack Overflow
2015年8月22日 · Rather than a separate handler testing for ctrl usage, it'd be easier to test just within the "z" keydown handler for whether Ctrl (or Meta i.e. command, to be Mac-compatible …
Trigger Ctrl+z & Ctrl+y keypress on button click
2015年12月3日 · I have provided two separates button for Ctrl+z and Ctrl+y. I want the Ctrl+z and Ctrl+y functionality to be performed on the click of a button. To achieve this, I am trying to …
How to prevent user stopping script by CTRL + Z?
Even if you trap Ctrl+Z (which depends on your terminal settings - see stty(1)) then there are other ways the user can return to the command-line. The only 'real' way of preventing a return to the …