CUGate (latest version) | IBM Quantum Documentation
This is a controlled version of the U gate (generic single qubit rotation), including a possible global phase e i γ e^{i\gamma} e iγ of the U gate. Can be applied to a QuantumCircuit with the cu() method.
CUGate (v0.24) | IBM Quantum Documentation
class CUGate(theta, phi, lam, gamma, label=None, ctrl_state=None) Controlled-U gate (4-parameter two-qubit gate). This is a controlled version of the U gate (generic single qubit rotation), including a possible global phase e^ {i\gamma} eiγ of the U …
CUGate — Qiskit 0.29.1 documentation
Controlled-U gate (4-parameter two-qubit gate). This is a controlled version of the U gate (generic single qubit rotation), including a possible global phase \(e^{i\gamma}\) of the U gate. Circuit symbol:
Adding control to arbitrary unknown quantum operations
2011年8月2日 · Controlled-unitary (CU) gates are a particularly important class of circuits, where one 'control' qubit turns on or off a unitary operation U acting on a register of 'target'...
量子邏輯閘(中):多個量子位元的操作 | EntangleTech 量子教育 …
Controlled-U gate (CU gate)的標準架構如下圖所示,圓圈黑點所在的 qubit 稱為 "controlled qubit",另一個標示為 U 的 qubit 稱為 "target qubit"。 CU gate 的符號. 當 controlled qubit 為 | 0 時,什麼操作都不做;當為 | 1 時,對 target qubit 執行 U 操作。 這邊的 U 可以是 X, Y, Z, RX, RY, 或 RZ gate。 CU gate 的矩陣都會長成這樣的形式: 其 中 C U = [1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 a b 0 0 c d] 其中 U = [a b c d]
Implementation of CU gates and its application in a remote …
2024年5月24日 · For remote-controlled quantum gates, the experimental realization of controlled unitary (CU) gates between any quantum gates is an essential task. Here, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a scheme for implementing CU gates between arbitrary pairs of unitary gates using the polarization and time-bin degrees of freedom of single-photons.
Implementation of controlled unitary gates and its application in a ...
2024年11月4日 · For remote-controlled quantum gates, the experimental realization of controlled unitary (CU) gates between any quantum gates is an essential task. Here, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a scheme for implementing CU gates between any pair of unitary gates using the polarization and time-bin degrees of freedom of single photons.
CUGate (v0.26) | IBM Quantum Documentation
This is a controlled version of the U gate (generic single qubit rotation), including a possible global phase e^ {i\gamma} eiγ of the U gate. Circuit symbol: Matrix representation: In Qiskit’s convention, higher qubit indices are more significant (little endian convention).
CU3Gate (latest version) | IBM Quantum Documentation
This is a controlled version of the U3 gate (generic single qubit rotation). It is restricted to 3 parameters, and so cannot cover generic two-qubit controlled gates). Warning
Controlled U gate with multiple control qubits
2023年2月9日 · How do I implement a 3xControlled U gate with different control states in Qiskit? The standard circuit.cu() funktion does not implement multiple control qubits in this way but just creates sequential U gates.