Copper-64 - Wikipedia
Copper-64 (64 Cu) is a positron and beta emitting isotope of copper, with applications for molecular radiotherapy and positron emission tomography. Its unusually long half-life (12.7 …
铜-64 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
铜-64 (64 Cu)是 铜 的正电子和β发射同位素,可用于分子放射治疗和正电子发射断层扫描。 对于正电子发射同位素,其异常长的半衰期使其在附著于各种配位基时对PET和PET-CT扫描越 …
【纪实】新兴核素铜-64的十次生产 | 北大肿瘤医院核医学科
2017年9月4日 · 64 cu 同时发射有 β+ 电子和 β-电子,可以用于 pet 成像和放射性治疗,有望用于基于放射性核素的诊疗一体化研究。 64 Cu 可通过多种核反应制备得到,比如 64 Ni (p, n) …
Copper-64 - isotopic data and properties - ChemLin
Copper-64 is a radioisotope of the chemical element copper. The atomic nucleus of the nuclide 64 Cu consists of the element-specific 29 protons and 35 neutrons; the mass number 64 results …
Cu - Copper 64 | IBA - Radio Pharma Solutions
Copper-64 is a radioisotope used in positron emission tomography (PET) and it has a half-life of 12,7h. It has been used for a long time in different applications (such as hypoxia imaging 64 …
Copper-64 Radiopharmaceuticals: Production, Quality Control and ...
This current publication, arising from an IAEA Coordinated Research Project, describes the biochemical and radiopharmaceutical aspects of copper-64, and its clinical applications, with …
Production of copper-64 using a hospital cyclotron: targetry ...
Copper-64 (64 Cu) is an intermediate half-life positron-emitting radionuclide (t 1/2 = 12.7 hours), suitable for the radiolabelling of biomolecules with slow targeting kinetics (e.g. …
新型固体靶核素 64 Cu的生产、质控及microPET显像 - Yiigle.com
医用回旋加速器轰击,纯化后获得1.3~4.1 GBq的高比活度 64 Cu,将其定容于3.7 MBq/μl的0.01 mol/L盐酸中,核纯度大于99.97%。MicroPET显像表明放射性主要累积在小鼠肝脏部位。
Copper Cu-64 | Cu | CID 105141 - PubChem
2021年10月14日 · Copper-64 is a radiopharmaceutical usually found in the +2 oxidation state as the complexes including the +1 state tend to be more unstable. It is used in molecular …
突破!我国正式具备铜64批量化市场供应能力 - 腾讯网
2023年12月9日 · 64Cu是一种重要的医用加速器同位素,既可以发射β+射线用于PET显像诊断,也可以发射β-粒子及俄歇电子用于核素靶向治疗,具有诊疗一体化的潜质,应用前景广阔,目前 …
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