CUHK LAW - The Chinese University of Hong Kong
4 天之前 · When you join CUHK LAW, you become a member of a vibrant and international academic community with distinguished professors working on cutting edge areas of global and regional relevance.
法律學院 | 學院 | 香港中文大學
法律學院 法律學院與國際專業組織和學府聯繫緊密。學院把普通法和中國法制與其他法律傳統結合,以促進公義,並維護法治。學院的創新課程參考了傑出學者和法律界資深人士的意見而設計。法律學院也與其他學院合辦雙學位課程,並鼓勵學生對法學實務和理論培養透徹理解。畢業生亦學以 …
Faculty of Law | Faculties | CUHK
The Faculty of Law enjoys close relations with professional organizations and centres of learning in the international community. It brings the common law and Chinese law systems together with other legal traditions to promote justice and safeguard the rule of law.
People - The Chinese University of Hong Kong
CUHK LAW Staff By alphabetical order | By research interest A-E Prof. Anatole BOUTE Professor Prof. Kevin CHENG Associate Professor Mr. Matthew CHEUNG Professional Consultant Prof. Agnes CHONG Assistant Professor Prof. Bryan H. DRUZIN Associate Professor F-J Mr. Elliot FUNG Professional Consultant Prof. Steven GALLAGHER …
Law - Programme - CUHK Graduate School | Postgraduate …
CUHK Law offers world-class legal education and conducts cutting-edge research, providing PhD and Master's degrees. Application Requirements, Programme Information, More
CUHK Faculty of Law - Wikipedia
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law (Chinese: 香港中文大學法律學院; abbreviated as CUHK LAW) is the law school of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Bachelor of Laws (LLB) - The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The CUHK LLB is a full-time, four-year academic journey designed to both expand students’ intellectual horizons and give them a platform for future success in any number of careers.
香港中文大學法律學院 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
香港中文大學法律學院 (Faculty of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong)成立於2005年,是香港第三所大學法學院。 香港中文大学法律學院 被香港政府大學教育資助委員會(教資會)2014研究報告評審為全港第一。
香港中文大学法律学院 - 百度百科
香港中文大学法律学院(Faculty of Law, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)凭借其完备的教育体系、优良的教学质量,跃居中国香港、内地和整个亚太地区的法学院之前列。 香港中文大学自创校以来,一直坚持中英文双语的教育方针,秉持中英兼重、多元文化的教育理念。
Laws - CUHK Undergraduate Admissions
We provide a liberal education in the theory and practice of law at the level of rigour appropriate to an undergraduate programme of study. Our LLB programme is designed for critical and creative thinkers who are ready to become leaders in law or related fields, who want to be successful in the increasingly globalised legal arena, and who are ...
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