Light-assisted defects migration in cuprous iodide (CuI)
2022年4月15日 · UV irradiation induced defects evolution was also observed in X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and auger electron spectroscopy (AES). Finally, we propose the microscopic physical mechanism of defect migration in CuI …
Thermal evaporated CuI film thickness-dependent performance of ...
2021年5月1日 · X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS, Thermo Fisher Scientific, ESCALAB250Xi) was employed to analyze the chemical binding states of the CuI sample with 200 nm thickness. During spectra acquisition, the base pressure was 2 × 10 −10 mbar achieved by turbo molecular pump.
Structure, binding energy and optoelectrical properties of p-type CuI ...
2020年2月1日 · Ultra-high transparent p-type copper iodide (CuI) thin films were fabricated by solid iodization of evaporated Cu precursor layers at room temperature. The effect of the thickness on microstructure, binding energy and optoelectrical properties is systematically studied.
【求助】Cu XPS 中铜的价态区分 - 经验共享 - 分析测试百科网 - 分 …
XPS确实很难区分Cu(0)和Cu(I),用俄歇谱来区分是可以做到的。 如果lz需要,给个邮箱,我把Cu的XPS图谱发给你,可以按照图谱数据区分铜的零,一,二价 whitesheep (2016-2-17 15:49:13)
CuI by XPS | Surface Science Spectra | AIP Publishing
1993年4月1日 · X-ray photoemission measurements of high purity CuI are presented. XPS studies of Cu compounds in this laboratory have been motivated by the need to identify sp
CuI by XPS,Surface Science Spectra - X-MOL
中文翻译: XPS的CuI 提出了高纯度CuI的X射线光发射测量。在该实验室中对铜化合物进行XPS研究的动机是,需要鉴定化学刻蚀的高温超导体表面上的物种[参见RP Vasquez,MC Foote和BD Hunt,J. Appl。
γ-CuI 纳米晶体中掺杂诱导的结构和光学修饰 ... - X-MOL
X 射线光电子能谱 (XPS) 用于研究 CuI 纳米晶体中的电子态和掺杂剂掺入。 未掺杂和掺杂的 CuI 样品表现出独特的形貌,纯 CuI 呈不规则形状,CuI-Cd 呈六边形形貌,CuI-Fe 呈三角形形貌。 对于纯 CuI、CuI-Cd 和 CuI-Fe,纳米晶体的平均晶粒尺寸分别为 96.67 nm、70.57 nm 和 54.10 nm。 能量色散 X 射线 (EDX) 分析证实掺杂样品中存在 Cd 和 Fe。 使用 Tauc 图估计的光学带隙能量为 4.1 eV (CuI)、4.0 eV (CuI-Cd) 和 4.0 eV (CuI-Fe)。
碘化亚铜 (CuI) 中的光辅助缺陷迁移,Journal of Alloys and …
我们报告了光辅助碘离子在 cui 中的迁移 - 一种流行的宽带隙 p 型半导体,它是通过在碘溶液中碘化 cu 膜合成的。使用 x 射线衍射 (xrd)、选区电子衍射 (saed)、高分辨率透射电子显微镜 (hrtem)、晶体建模和衍射模拟的组合方法进行了深入的晶体学分析。
a) Cu 2p XPS, b) Cu LMM Auger, and c) I 3d XPS spectra of Cu, CuI…
A Cu-CuI composite catalyst achieves a remarkable C2+ partial current density of 591 mA cm⁻² at −1.0 V vs. RHE, substantially higher than Cu or CuI alone.
CuI by XPS - Semantic Scholar
1993年4月1日 · We have studied the electronic structure of CH3NH3PbI3 (MAPI) and CH3NH3SnI3 (MASI) perovskite films by performing X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements on in situ grown perovskite… The van der Waals material CeOI is predicted to be a layered antiferromagnetic Mott insulator by DFT+U calculation.
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