女性罩杯及相关计算 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
例如:知道文胸尺寸为 34/75b或者 75b 或者34b,如果不是大陆码一律换算成大陆码,大陆码=2.5(34-4)=75,所以下胸围范围是 73~77,b罩杯的差的范围是 10~12.5,所以上胸围的取值 …
What Do B Cup Breasts Look Like? A Complete 5-Part Visual Guide
2025年1月7日 · B cup breasts are often seen as middle-of-the-road. They’re not as small as A cups, but not as large as C or D cups. Think of them like Goldilocks’ porridge – just right for …
Breast Size Comparison Side by Side - TheBetterFit
Size B. You have a B cup breast size if your bust measurement is two inches higher than the band. This means your bra band typically measures 28 to 29 inches. B cups are a common …
Breast size and bra size chart with sample images – Model Studios
Cup conversion chart. Notice that for calculating the cup code there is no direct conversion between sizes in centimetres and inches. Centimetres are used in continental Europe and …
文胸32/34/36/38是多大罩杯,和ABC一样吗? - 知乎专栏
2020年12月17日 · 也可以根据其推算规律来判断,因为最小的差值为7.5,也就是a罩杯,如果你得到的差值为10,那就是b罩杯了,以此类推,每加2.5,罩杯就升级一个级别。
女性文胸杯型尺寸尺码对照表? - 知乎
罩杯尺码=上胸围-下胸围 文胸一般分为aa、a、b、c、d、e六型,表示罩杯的深浅程度,每型之间的尺码区别由上、下胸围的差数决定。
胸圍尺寸 | 計算cup數 | Bra Size 對照表
簡單一個Bra Size 對照表幫你計算正確Cup數和胸圍尺寸。 市面上不同内衣品牌的版型設計都會有明顯差異。 就算是同一個品牌,不同產品所選用的布料、罩杯設計和深度都可以影響您需要 …
B Cup Breasts and Bra Size [Ultimate Guide] - TheBetterFit
This guide will discuss the smaller than average size B cup size bra, how it can look on different bodies, and famous celebrities with the B cup size. I also explain the right way to measure …
Home - Bra Size Converter
The letters – like A, B, C, D – stand for cup sizes. The numbers – like 32, 34, 36, 38 they tell you the band size – that’s the part of the bra that goes around your torso. For instance, a 34A …
Measurement and size table conversion - PrimaDonna
Measure yourself accurately in 3 simple steps and check out the size chart below. Band size: Take a snug measurement (inches) around your rib cage directly under your bust and parallel …