Mouseover Remove Lesser Curse Macro Not Working
2024年11月17日 · So my macro on my classic era mage for Remove Lesser Curse is the following: \\cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Remove Lesser Curse; [harm, nodead] [exists,nodead][@player] Remove Lesser Curse However, when I go to hover my mouse over a raid frame, it doesn’t remove the curse if they are cursed. I don’t really understand why this is …
WoWUp vs Curseforge - Which one is better? : r/wow - Reddit
2023年5月20日 · i uses wowup for a couple of years but curseforge blocked their API access last year as far as i remember. this made it way more complicated to use it because addon creators have to upload their stuff seperately onto both addon managers now. this makes updating DBM for example very complicated because both managers have different versions now. if you …
What classes can dispel ? : r/wow - Reddit
2023年3月19日 · 26 votes, 24 comments. true. warlock main here; we *cannot* dispell please stop spreading this misinformation. we have a devour magic ability on the felhunter yes but all that does is take away a magical *buff* from the enemy, and heal the felhunter. singe magic, which is the imp's ability, removes one harmful effect from one single ally. seduce, the succubus ability, …
Is CurseForge safe? - General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums
2022年6月25日 · Is the CurseForge website safe to visit and download?
When should I be using my curses in PVE as a warlock? : r/wow
Don’t spend more than one gcd per pack on a curse, Council everbloom is the exception. I usuallly amplify curse of tongues the one we’re attacking, weakness the melee guy and tongues the other one then next amplify curse of tongues on the other caster. Hopefully the toxic bloom caster is dead. Don’t weakness trash mobs.
As a mage, when it's a good time to use Remove curse and
2021年3月2日 · there are notable curses in MoTS, and HoA. for Halls specifically you can decurse the “curse of stone” in the second boss fight so the person with the circle can move over the adds without being slowed. gotta be quick with that one. the trash packs also like to cast curse of obliteration, and as a healer i like to keep my dispels available ...
Let Priests Dispel Poison or Curse Effects
2024年9月22日 · On top of dispelling Diseases: Priests should also be able to remove Poisons, similar to Paladins. Both classes are thematically aligned with the Holy Light, so this would make sense. Comparatively, Druids and Shamans, who are aligned with nature, can dispel both Poisons and Curses. Alternatively, let Priests dispel Curses. This would also be logical because Priests …
Which add-on manager should I use for WoW in 2022 ? Advice
2022年8月30日 · Close your add-on managers when the update is finished, you don't need to let them run along with WoW. I hope this will be helpful to you. These are just my personal recommendations that I think should be suitable for the most of you, but your own needs might be different. Feel free to share your own experience in the comments ;)
Alternatives to Curseforge other Addon Download sites
2022年7月25日 · It seems Curseforge has turned off the API used to download addons. I can only assume they’ve determined a way to make money or more money off addons uploaded to them for free! I was using WOWUP, but it doesn’t work without the API. I WILL NOT be forced into using curseforge’s client and providing them personal information they can sell. Hopefully …
Curseforge client can now be launched without overwolf
2022年5月16日 · If you were “afraid” about overwolf hurting your PC, you can now be at ease with this new option to update addons