Intermediate Cu-O-Si Phase in the Cu-SiO - ACS Publications
2021年9月8日 · XPS measurements reveal the emergence of an intermediate Cu–O–Si phase in the grown film with atomic concentrations of ∼1, ∼86, and ∼13% for Cu, O, and Si, respectively. This intermediate state, as high as ∼41%, dominates the film composition followed by Cu oxides (∼37%) and Si oxides (∼22%).
<br>通过制备巢状铜层状硅酸盐前驱体,稳定界面 Cu0-Cu+ 双位 …
一项组合研究(拉曼光谱、TEM、H2-TPR、XPS、CO-DRIFTS 和 NH3-TPD)验证了巢状前驱体增强了 CuOx-SiO2 相互作用,从而提高了 Cu+ 丰度以及活性位点的热稳定性。 吸附分子的原位 FTIR 光谱与密度泛函理论计算相结合,证明 Cu+ 位点负责糠醛 (FAL) 和中间体糠醇 (FOL) 的吸附和活化,而 Cu0 位点负责 H2 解离。 这项工作揭示了 Cu/SiO2 催化剂的 Cu0-Cu+ 双位点协同效应的重要性,可用于生物质升级过程中的其他 HDO 反应。
GIXRD and XPS investigation of silicidation in ion beam mixed CuSi …
1998年7月22日 · Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) are used for phase identification and the determination of chemical states of the Cu Si (1 1 1) system ion beam mixed at room temperature (RT) and 100°C. Cu 2 p and Si 2 p photoelectron peaks are analyzed to study the silicide formation.
Phase controllable synthesis of CuS nanoparticles by chemical …
2020年1月1日 · The oxidation states of copper and sulphur in the synthesized CuS NPs were investigated by Thermo Scientific K-ALPHA X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS). Optical absorbance was measured using a Cary 5000 UV–Vis–NIR double beam spectrophotometer.
Synthesis of a high surface area and highly dispersed Cu-O-Si …
2021年6月1日 · A highly dispersed Cu-O-Si composite oxide framework catalyst with high surface area (619 m 2 /g) and very small particle size (~3 nm) has been synthesized using an improved precipitation method, which showed high catalytic activity toward the hydrogenation of dimethyl oxalate (DMO) (99.9% conversion of DMO and 96.7% selectivity for ethylene gly...
The direct transformation of ethanol to ethyl acetate over Cu/SiO
2014年8月5日 · In this paper, silica-supported copper catalysts, which contain a copper phyllosilicate species, were successfully prepared and applied to the dehydrogenation of ethanol to form ethyl acetate. The catalyst’s properties were investigated using XRD, ICP, BET, TPR, FTIR, XPS, NH 3 -TPD and FTIR of Pyridine Adsorption techniques.
Intermediate Cu-O-Si Phase in the Cu-SiO2/Si (111) System: …
XPS measurements reveal the emergence of an intermediate Cu–O–Si phase in the grown film with atomic concentrations of ∼1, ∼86, and ∼13% for Cu, O, and Si, respectively. This intermediate state, as high as ∼41%, dominates the film composition followed by Cu oxides (∼37%) and Si oxides (∼22%).
XPS中Cu的峰在哪里啊在哪里。。。。。急求!!! - 微米纳米
光看Cup3/2,标准Cu在932.4eV,你这个在934附近,差的还挺多的,你要不贴上来Cu LMM的俄歇精细谱分析一下吧,或者你看看你的C1s峰是不是偏移了,否则我觉得基本不能证明是Cu单质. 文献上多得很,你找一下不就行了吗? 刚接触XPS,求大家帮助。 测试的材料含C,N,O,Cu,我想知道那些画圈的都是什么峰。 Cu的2p1/2,2p3/2的峰又在哪里。 2013/0709/w122h1774780_1373373998_836.jpg|bcs|201307097)Q (D$FBV56R …
清华大学陈晨JACS:构筑具有抗重构特性的Cu-O-Si原子界面稳定 …
研究人员首先利用SiO2作为模板通过一步水热法合成了无定形的 CuSiOx 催化剂,球差电镜与 XAFS 研究结果表明Cu在SiO2基体中呈原子级分布状态,有着极为丰富的原子级Cu-O-Si界面位点。 电化学结果表明该界面位点具有优异的CO2R甲烷化性能,在-1.6 V CH4法拉第效率达到72.5%,HER副反应和多碳产物的选择性得到明显的抑制,且12h后FECH4仍保持在60%以上,这可能与其优异的结构稳定性有关。
Figure 3. High resolution XPS spectrum of Cu 2p (A), S 2p (B) for …
High resolution XPS spectrum of Cu 2p (A), S 2p (B) for the bulk CuS and Cu 2p (C), S 2p (D) for the S-rGO/CuS. [...] Over the present material synthesis routes, the sonochemical route is highly...
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