Marine Corps Cutting Scores | CuttingScores.com | USMC
2025年2月25日 · We are the #1 source and most advanced cutting scores website for the USMC providing you with quick scores, graphs and many other tools. If you have a way in which we can improve please feel free to contact us and let us know!
Cutting Scores
Cutting Scores as of : Category Month; ACTIVE CORPORAL: Feb 2025: ACTIVE RESERVE CORPORAL: Jan 2025: DRILLING RESERVE (SMCR)/IRR Cpl: Jan 2025: ACTIVE SERGEANT
Cutting Scores February 2025 Active Sergeant
2025年1月31日 · Marine Corps Cutting Scores, cutting score for sgt usmc, jepes, jpes, cutting score for cpl usmc, cutting score for sgt, cutting score for cpl, manpower cutting ...
Sergeants and Below Promotions - United States Marine Corps
A cutting score identifies a Marine and his/her JEPES score. Everyone with that JEPES score or higher is promoted, provided all other requirements are met prior. Cutting Score - Who...
Enlisted Promotions - United States Marine Corps
Cutting Score - How is cutting score determined? Corporal and Sergeant promotions are based on JEPES Scores. The number of the monthly promotions in each MOS is based on the actual vacancies in...
2024年12月17日 · Cutting scores are available in the Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) after the current month select grades post. Print the current month cutting scores and attach with this MARADMIN for
2024年7月26日 · duty promotion parameters and cutting scores for promotion. Note that cutting scores are not available in MCTFS until after the current month select grades have posted. Print the current...
Army Enlisted Cutoff Scores
Enlisted Cutoff Scores and By Name lists for promotion to SGT and SSG. Includes Active Component, AGR, and USAR lists.
2024年12月19日 · Cutting scores are available in the Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) after the current month select grades post. Print the current month cutting scores and attach with this MARADMIN for future reference. 2. For additional details regarding requirements related to Viewing Cutoff Scores in MCTFS, Time in Grade and Time in Service,
Marine Corps Cutting Scores | CuttingScores.com | USMC
2025年2月25日 · We are the #1 source and most advanced cutting scores website for the USMC providing you with quick scores, graphs and many other tools. If you have a way in which we can improve please feel free to contact us and let us know!