2008年3月24日 · I don't know that one is really better than the other. Some are more rare than others but that doesn't really mean that it is better, just more rare.
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2008年1月16日 · Total CVCVC.com combinations: 231,525 Total VCVCV.com combinations: 55,125 If you stick to premium letters the potential combinations get even slimmer (which I …
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2008年7月16日 · Despite small percentages of each starting letter cvcvc.com's remaining - keep in mind in TOTAL there is a HUGE percentage that still remain untouched. When it comes to …
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discuss English Premium CVCVC and VCVCV .com Countdown and …
2015年11月14日 · First of all. I am not creating any hype. I will just present facts here. There are around 11 million 5Ls, so there is very less chance they will all be bought out ever. But there …