Michigan Counties in Line for $1.3 Million in Emergency Aid for ...
2020年6月9日 · From Muskegon to Midland to Marquette, Michigan counties are securing and distributing COVID-19 emergency funding to veterans through the state’s new County Veteran Service Fund Emergency Relief (CVSF-ER) program.
The FY23 CVSF grant is intended to assist counties in establishing a County Department of Veterans Affairs, support NEW initiatives that connect veterans to federal benefits, and/or enhance or expand
2022年7月3日 · create the County Veteran Service Fund (CVSF) and to provide for contributions to and expenditures from that fund; and to transfer the powers and duties of the soldier’s relief commission in those counties.
Colorado Veterans Service Foundation
The mission of the CVSF is to solicit and otherwise obtain funds which in turn are distributed through grants or donations to charitable nonprofit organizations and governmental entities to support programs and activities benefiting Colorado's veterans and their families.
Due to the State of Emergency and State of Disaster declared by Governor Whitmer regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency (MVAA) is encouraging counties with County Veteran Service Fund (CVSF) grant awards to reconnect with stakeholders and revisit local priorities due to the circumstances created by COVID-19.
Whitmer Administration Working with Michigan Counties to …
2020年5月21日 · Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s Administration is giving Michigan counties the option of using state County Veteran Service Fund (CVSF) grants directly for COVID-19 emergency assistance to veterans and their families.
2020年1月8日 · Grant awards will consist of an upfront base payment of $50,000.00 and per capita amounts will be paid on a reimbursement basis. You MUST submit the Letter of Intent to be eligible to receive any of the grant funding.
Support the CVSF Indigent Veteran Burial Fund
Support the CVSF Indigent Veteran Burial Fund All too often, the bodies of unclaimed or indigent veterans have been indefinitely put on ice in Medical Examiner’s Offices –bureaucratic snafus unceremoniously dump vets into graves in a potter’s field.
the CVSF
Our mission is to asssist and support all US Military Veterans and their dependents. Working with our sister organization, the Catholic War Veterans and Auxiliary of the United States, we also assist veterans in securing their VA Benefits thru the …
Michigan Veteran Affairs Agency partners with Meijer to …
2020年5月27日 · DETROIT – The Michigan Veteran Affairs Agency (MVAA) has partnered with Meijer to provide emergency relief vouchers to veterans for groceries and personal care items. A base amount of $25,000 is...