CVTF Multi-Type - totachi.com
CVTF MULTI-TYPE is a universal fully synthetic automatic transmission fluid specifically designed for Continuously Variable Transmissions (CVT) gearbox type. Meets the demanding requirements of American, European, Japanese, Korean and other Asian car makers requiring a CVT fluid.
【图】机油送检第483篇-本田原厂HCF-2 CVT变速箱油_机油论坛_ …
2023年7月25日 · 简单对比一下。 1.100度运动粘度,本田6.85,拉锋6.59,本田的更高一点,东本原厂的另外两次检测一次是6.94,一次是7.15,所以可以看出本田原厂CVTF属于高粘度变速箱油。 变速箱油ATF以及CVTF都建议按原厂粘度使用,相差不要太大。
美孚™无级变速箱油 CVTF - Mobil
美孚™无级变速箱油CVTF是一款高端的全合成无级变速箱油, 它可满足广泛的无级变速箱设计需求。 但不建议在步进式自动变速箱 (AT)或双离合变速箱 (DCT)中使用。
CVTF | Idemitsu Lubricants
Idemitsu CVTF Type H2 is specifically formulated to meet and exceed the latest performance and protection requirements of continuously variable transmissions for Honda vehicles.
CVTF NS-3 - totachi.com
CVTF NS-3 is a high performance fully synthetic automatic transmission fluid formulated to meet the demanding requirements of modern Asian, American, European vehicles equipped with continuously variable transmissions (CVT), including chain-CVT and belt-CVT designs.
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Idemitsu CVTF
2024年5月20日 · Idemitsu CVTF is the latest advanced continuous variable transmission fluid suitable for use in all modern CVT units. This special formulation consists of high quality hydro cracked base stock and various additives to enhance smooth & positive shifting under severe working conditions.
CVTF 鋼帶變速箱油 • LUKE 路加潤滑油 - 汽車變速箱油、汽機車機 …
LUKE路加Dr.CVTF 採用獨具Stop-slipping止滑科技配方,可解決鋼帶與錐鋼輪間〝鐵磨鐵〞傳動打滑的磨損難題,有效改善起步/超車/爬坡加速加速乏力通病及頓挫,大幅提升傳動力25%,防止因打滑引起的鐵屑雜質生成,成為堵塞電磁閥及油路的故障元凶,其結果是;顯著 ...
CVTF Multi-Type | Totachighana
ATF CVT MULTI-TYPE is a universal fully synthetic automatic transmission fluid specifically designed for Continuously Variable Transmissions (CVT) gearbox type. Meets the demanding requirements of American, European, Japanese, Korean and other Asian car makers requiring a …
Idemitsu CVTF Type N Automatic Transmission Fluid - 1 qt …
Specially formulated to meet the high performance requirements of today's continuously variable transmissions (CVTs). This advanced technology formulation incorporates proprietary additive technology and synthetic base stocks to provide superior performance in JATCO CVTs where NS-2 fluid is specified..
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CVTF - 自动变速箱油 - 车辆辅助油液 - 产品中心 - 珠海美合科技股 …
适用于丰田、日产、三菱、现代、起亚、本田(除带启动离合器的CVT)等绝大多数带式CVT及斯巴鲁、奥迪链式CVT。 但不推荐应用于本田带启动离合器的CVT、丰田普锐斯等E-CVT(安装在混动、电动汽车的CVT)。 说明. 必须遵守机动车辆和发动机制造商的操作说明。 产品参数. 首页. 品牌介绍. 品牌活动. 产品中心. 乘用车发动机油商用车发动机油车辆辅助油液工业设备油金属加工液工艺油工程机械油船用油汽车养护品. 用油查询.
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