Xanthan‐based chlorhexidine gel effects in non‐surgical …
2024年4月24日 · Our systematic review and meta-analysis showed that xanthan-based chlorhexidine gel as adjunct to non-surgical periodontal therapy gives benefit in terms of PPD reduction and CAL gain as compared to non-surgical periodontal therapy only.
Xanthan-based chlorhexidine gel effects in non-surgical ... - PubMed
A significant improvement in PPD reduction (standardized mean difference, SMD, 0.87, 95% CI, 0.41-1.34) and CAL gain (SMD = 0.84, 95% CI, 0.36-1.33) emerged for the SRP + CXH gel compared to the SRP alone group, in the presence of significant high heterogeneity among the …
Chlorhexidine (CHX) is one of the most effective antimicrobial agents for plaque control. It is retained in the oral cavity and is progressively desorbed in bacteriostatic concentrations 8 hours after rinsing.
Chlorhexidine mouthwash reduces plaque and gingivitis
2013年4月12日 · In gingivitis patients, CHX mouthrinses together with OH versus placebo, or control mouthrinse provide significant reductions in plaque and gingivitis scores, but a significant increase in staining...
Chlorhexidine mouthwash more effective than dentifrice or gel
2015年6月26日 · Chlorhexidine gel can be successfully formulated and will inhibit plaque growth to some degree, but not to the same extent, as a CHX MW. When CHX DF/gel is used in a non-brushing model, it is...
Treatment of periodontal disease using xanthan based chlorhexidine gel ...
In recent years, study suggest that Xanthan based Chlorhexidine (CHLOSITE® GHIMAS) have been found very effective antimicrobial agent against supragingival plaque bacteria for prevention of gingivitis [7].
一种测定氯己定 (CHX) 的新方法:将不同浓度的含 CHX 制剂应用 …
新方法是量化小体积 chx 的可靠工具。与测试的 chx 凝胶相比,两种测试的清漆都显示出从人工裂隙中释放出更长和更高的 chx。溶液中的 cxh-二乙酸盐标准品 (e1, n=5) 或 chx-二葡萄糖酸盐 (e2, n=5)。每天刷洗样品,并测量溶液中的 chx。
Self-crosslinked chitosan/dialdehyde xanthan gum blended hypromellose ...
2021年1月15日 · In this work, chitosan crosslinked dialdehyde xanthan gum interpenetrated hydroxypropyl methylcellulose gels were developed for the controlled delivery of different antibiotic drugs including ampicillin, minocycline and rifampicin. The prepared hydrogel scaffolds were characterized by rheology method, FTIR, SEM, TGA and compression analysis.
Xanthan-based chlorhexidine gel effects in non-surgical …
2024年4月24日 · Aims and Objectives: Xanthan-based chlorhexidine gel (Chlosite®) is a local drug delivery system that exposes the sub-gingival bacteria to the effects of chlorhexidine (CHX) for a prolonged...
Chlorhexamed® DIREKT Gel 1 % - SHOP APOTHEKE
Chlorhexamed Direkt Gel 1 % wenden Sie in der Mundhöhle an, um die Anzahl der Bakterien im Mundraum zu reduzieren. Chlorhexamed Direkt 1 % Gel wird vorübergehend bei Entzündungen des Zahnfleisches (Gingivitis) als unterstützendes Mundhygienepräparat angewendet.