CYA - Further Reading - Trouble Free Pool
2024年11月22日 · An outdoor pool under a cage or cover does not need as much CYA as an outdoor pool in full sun. What are the Correct CYA Levels for an Indoor Pool or Spa? CYA is not required in an indoor pool or spa. It does two things: it buffers the harshness of chlorine and protects the Free Chlorine from the sun's UV rays. Bathers can benefit from CYA ...
What is the best way to raise the CYA? | Trouble Free Pool
2011年5月26日 · Use the pool calculator to determine how much stabilizer will add 20ppm of CYA to your pool. That should get you up to about 30ppm which is low for super hot climates but also a good starting point until you can get an accurate reading for CYA. Then, assume you have 30ppm CYA in the pool and set the pool calculator for that number.
The Free Chlorine and Cyanuric Acid Relationship - Trouble Free Pool
2025年2月26日 · With no CYA stabilizer in your pool, FC will be quickly consumed by sun exposure instead of doing its job to oxidize organic material like bacteria and algae. If your FC level drops too low in your pool, you risk allowing algae to grow. The more stabilizer present in your water, the more free chlorine you need to sanitize your pool effectively.
Adding CYA to the skimmer, or not | Trouble Free Pool
2009年5月3日 · Split off of Increasing CH and CYA, which order and best application. JasonLion I would reccomend putting the CYA in a filter sock, used panty hose, or something similar and place the contents in your skimmer basket. It takes time to dissolve. Pouring it directly into the skimmer and allowing...
CYA added but there is no stabilizer in the pool
2007年6月25日 · While my pool is clear...but my brother-in-laws pool is the one in question. He does have an algae problem that he's been fighting all year, which is due to having no measurable amount of CYA in his pool. He recently bought a new container and added that...we'll wait and see what it goes up to. itabb...thanks for your thoughts.
Operating a high CYA pool - Trouble Free Pool
2016年7月31日 · Normal FC consumption in a pool is 2-4 ppm per day so it will drop by that amount daily, possibly a little more with higher FC. It is safe to swim with FC up to shock level for your CYA. Shock level on the [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA] is less harsh than a public pool with FC of 1 ppm and no CYA.
PoolMath - Trouble Free Pool
ABC's of Pool Water Chemistry; FC/CYA Chart; Recommended Pool Chemicals; Recommended Levels; For a more modern experience, we have the PoolMath App. If you have any questions please join us on the forums where over 200,000 users will be happy to assist. Welcome to TFP!
CYA level extremely high - need to drain / refill pool but have ...
2021年7月14日 · Hello all, my pool chemistry is out of whack and I would appreciate any advice. Our CYA is 185 ppm with Free Chlorine of 27ppm. Our PH is also very low based on using a test strip and from the Leslie's pool store test, which yielded a PH of 6.4. I tried to test PH with our Taylor kit but the...
Phoenix Arizona recommended CYA level | Trouble Free Pool
2009年6月17日 · Nevertheless, there is a pool service in Arizona and surrounding states that uses 100 ppm CYA since they only visit the pools once a week and they raise the FC to 14 ppm when they visit and it drops to around 4 ppm when they come again the following week.
How did the CYA levels get so high in my pool - Trouble Free Pool
2012年6月28日 · CYA increases over time in a pool if you are using stabilized chlorine products, Trichlor pucks/tabs (or powdered "shock") or Dichlor granular (sometimes also sold as "shock"). For every 10 ppm Free Chlorine (FC) added by Trichlor, it also increases Cyanuric Acid (CYA) by 6 ppm. For every 10 ppm FC added by Dichlor, it also increases CYA by 9 ppm.