TGA profiles for urea, biuret, CYA, ammelide, ammeline and …
Figure 2 presents the TGA results of urea and its major decomposition by-products including biuret, CYA, ammelide, ammeline and melamine, which matched with literature reported curves well [2].
(A) TGA thermogram curves and (B) the corresponding
In comparison, the CyA triblock copolymers displayed two well-resolved transitions within the testing range, suggesting a phase-separated morphology. The transition at lower temperatures agreed...
Kinetic modeling of urea decomposition and byproduct formation
2021年2月2日 · Brack et al. (2014) recently developed a reaction mechanism for urea decomposition and formation of biuret, CYA, ammelide, and triuret based on non-ionic species. Their model described well low heating rate TGA data (5–20 °C/min), including the effect of changes in crucible geometry and sample mass.
Thermal decomposition (pyrolysis) of urea in an open reaction vessel
2004年12月15日 · Our data indicate that at temperatures in excess of 190 °C, cyanuric acid (CYA), ammelide and ammeline are produced primarily from biuret. Biuret itself is a result of prior reaction of cyanic acid, HNCO, with intact urea. Cyanic acid is primarily a result of urea decomposition at temperatures in excess of 152 °C.
Investigation on the urea deposit formation and thermal …
2021年5月1日 · The main compositions in the World Harmonized Transient Cycle (WHTC) urea deposits are urea, cyanuric acid (CYA) and ammelide, implying that accelerating the decomposition of these species could prevent the accumulation of urea deposit. CuWTi, Cuβ and CuZSM catalysts could lead to increased yield of CYA during pure urea thermolysis.
TGA thermograms of CyA and UCyA triblock copolymers with …
CyA triblock copolymers exhibited a cylindrical microphase-separated morphology according to small-angle X-ray scattering. In contrast, UCyA triblock copolymers lacked long-range ordering...
Lab Study of Urea Deposit Formation and Chemical Transformation Process ...
2017年3月28日 · The TGA results indicate that 1) below urea melting temperature (130 °C), the formed urea deposits are still primarily urea; 2) in the temperature range 130-190 °C, urea transforms to a combination of urea, biuret and CYA; 3) above biuret melting temperature (190 °C), CYA is primarily formed with some features of ammelide.
应用TGA技术可以用来测定铁磁性物质的居里点转变温度。 相应地,我们也可以通过居里点转变温度来校正未配有DTA或SDTA的热天平温度。
什么是热重分析(TGA) - 知乎专栏
热重分析(TGA)在专业领域扮演着至关重要的角色。 该技术通过精确测量样品在受控温度变化下的质量变化,来分析材料的热稳定性、分解行为和成分分析。
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