Cyrix 5x86 - Wikipedia
The Cyrix 5x86 is a line of x86 microprocessors designed by Cyrix and released on June 5 of 1995. [1][2][3] Cyrix, being a fabless company, had the chips manufactured by IBM. The line came out about 5 months before the more famous Cyrix 6x86. The Cyrix 5x86 was one of the fastest CPUs ever produced for Socket 3 computer systems. [citation needed]
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The Cyrix 5x86 processor is an example of Cyrix’s strategy to design next-generation processor architectures that leverage existing designs. It is available in a 168-pin PGA or a 208-pin QFP package with standard 486 pinout.
芯片相关-- Cpu历史--Cyrix系列 - 知乎
1.1 Cyrix Cyrix公司由JerryRogers和Tom Brightman于1988年创立,最初是制造用于286和386 CPU的高速x87数学协处理器。 期间一顿操作,和前期的AMD一样,从一个小弟变成推出正面竞争的对手,后来打官司获得了 x86指令集 的授权。
586是第五代的微处理器。 九十年代中期,全面超越486的新一代586处理器问世,为了摆脱486时代处理器名称混乱的困扰,最大的CPU制造商Intel公司把自己的新一代产品命名为Pentium(奔腾)以示区别。
586CPU及主板综述 - 电脑报 1992-2001 十年文章全集 - 图码生活
2.Cyrix的586级CPU 在Cyrix未正式推出其586级产品M1之前,它先推出了CX 5x86/100,这种CPU采用与486DX芯片相同的封装,采用32位数据线,可以直接插到某些486DX系统板上,但需要调整主板的跳线和采用新型的BIOS,1995年10月以后生产的486主板,多数已经能够安装这 …
The Cyrix 5x8 6 microprocessor is a high performance 586-class CPU compatible with all popular x86 oper- ating systems, including DOS, Windows, Windows NT, Windows95, UNIX, Novell, OS/2 and Solaris.
Cyrix 5x86 family - CPU世界
2025年3月10日 · Cyrix 5x86 (M1sc) is a 32-bit microprocessor compatible with Intel 80486. Produced in the same package as the 80486, the 5x86 included many features from M1 (Cyrix 6x86) architecture - 64-bit internal architecture, branch prediction, data forwarding and 16 KB write-back cache.
我的两块486、586主板(Cyrix 586、ST486DX2-66) - 硬件博物 …
2024年6月4日 · 一家位于中国台湾省的处理器芯片供应商,VIA Technologies(威盛公司),收购了Cyrix公司,Cyrix变成了VIA Cyrix MII处理器,VIA同样拥有自己的VIA C3处理器。 这是Cyrix公司生产的486 CPU,说它是486 CPU,是指它的效率上逼近486 CPU,却并不是严格意义上的486 CPU,这是由486 CPU的特点而定的。 486DLC CPU只是将386DX CPU与1K Cache组合在一块芯片里,没有内含浮点协微处理器,执行一条指令需要两个振荡周期。
AVT INDUSTRIAL 586 GXM-AV is a motherboard based on the Cyrix Cx5520 (GXm) chipset. Get specs, BIOS, documentation and more!
cpu-collection.de >> by Class >> 586
Cyrix made hybrid 486/586 CPUs (Cxrix 5x86) with Pentium core and 486 pinout. For more Information on x86 processors please refer to the x86 processor FAQ.