Cyrix - Wikipedia
Cyrix Corporation was a microprocessor developer that was founded in 1988 in Richardson, Texas, as a specialist supplier of floating point units for 286 and 386 microprocessors. The company was founded by Tom Brightman and Jerry Rogers. In 1992, Cyrix introduced its own i386 compatible processors, the 486SLC and 486DLC. [2] These had higher performance than the Intel parts, but a lower price ...
芯片相关-- Cpu历史--Cyrix系列 - 知乎
1.1 Cyrix Cyrix公司由JerryRogers和Tom Brightman于1988年创立,最初是制造用于286和386 CPU的高速x87数学协处理器。期间一顿操作,和前期的AMD一样,从一个小弟变成推出正面竞争的对手,后来打官司获得了 x86指令集 的授权。鼎盛时期发布了M2芯片,加入了mmx指令集,可惜遇到的对手是intel的 奔腾II,浮点能力 ...
Cyrix M II Processor | 在线CPU博物馆 | 微处理器博物馆 | Honux's …
Cyrix M II 处理器系列于 1998 年 4 月 15 日被美国国家半导体公司(National Semiconductor)收购。 然而,Cyrix M II 又不是 6x86MX 的进一步发展,而只是对其进行了重命名。
Speculative execution√ √ Out-of-order completion√ √ 80-bit floating point unit√ √ The M2 is a native mode sixth-generation x86 processor M2 Branch Unit uBranch target cache • 512 entries • 4-way set associative
Cyrix M-II 300 - AnandTech
1998年5月26日 · The press release Cyrix made about their new M-II processors was a bit disappointing to most Cyrix advocates that expected a revamped Floating Point Unit and higher clock speeds from the next ...
Cyrix CPU 发展史 | 在线CPU博物馆 | 微处理器博物馆 | Honux's …
2022年9月13日 · 1997年,Cyrix发布了核心代号为M2的「6x86MX」,与前面的6x86最大的区别是内置了MMX指令集。频率从133MHz(PR166)到233MHz(PR266)。最终版本发行时间为1998年2月。Cyrix是无晶圆厂芯片设计公司,制造交由三家完成,分别为IBM、SGS汤姆逊(现意法半导体)、美国国家 ...
这个IBM的老CPU是什么来历? - 知乎
6x86是Cyrix 公司95年推出的产品,这个系列还是有不少亮点的,性能在不少方面超过了当时的奔腾一代。 6x86MX是6x86加入了对MMX指令集支持后的升级产品,后来6X86MX更名为MII(M2)。 Cyrix 是无厂半导体公司,94年开始他们的处理器由IBM进行流片制造。
Cyrix M2 evaluation - Intelligent Firm
Cyrix 6x86MX is a remarkable processor; while it operates only at 166 or 188 MHz it outperforms its socket 7 rivals (Pentium MMX, AMD K6) of 200 or 233 MHz respectively, in everything except 3D/calculations. To reflect that, Cyrix sells its processors as PR200 for the 166 MHz version and PR233 for the 200 MHz. For questions, go to the Q&A page.
Cyrix 6x86MX ("M2")
Cyrix was third to market with a socket-7-compatible MMX processor. The successor to the 6x86 and 6x86L is the 6x86MX, introduced in June 1997 and intended to compete with AMD's K6 and Intel's Pentium with MMX and Pentium II processors.
Cyrix 6x86MX M2 DATA BOOK - Advantech Support - Advantech
2006年4月7日 · The Cyrix 6x86MX processor is an enhanced 6x86 processor, that can process 57 new multimedia instructions compatible with MMX technology. The processor also operates at a higher frequency, contains a enlarged cache, a two-level TLB, and a improved branch target cache. The 6x86MX processor is based on the proven 6x86 core that is superscalar in that it contains two separate pipelines that allow ...