HyClone - Cytiva
From cell line to cell culture media development, our HyClone™ specialists are here to help you develop a solution that works for your process. We also offer analytical tests to provide added insight into cell culture performance.
HyClone™ _胎牛血清 (FBS)_细胞培养工艺_思拓凡官网 - Cytiva
HyClone™是Cytiva的品牌之一,其胎牛血清 (FBS)不仅有助于开发现代的救命医疗疗法,而且从根本上推动了关键研究的发展,开创了细胞培养产品生产商所使用的多种血清采集、过滤和处理技术。
HyClone 磷酸盐缓冲盐水-平衡盐溶液-缓冲液和工艺液体-细胞培养和发酵工艺-产品-思拓凡官网 | Cytiva
HyClone 磷酸钠缓冲液是一种平衡溶液,可用作 1× 和 10×PBS 缓冲液,具有 0.0067 M PO 4,pH 为 7.0 至 7.2。 无菌缓冲盐水溶液:HyClone 磷酸盐缓冲盐水最终经过 0.1 μm 额定孔径的过滤器过滤。 过滤前后均已进行滤器完整性测试。 无菌灌装在 100 级洁净室中进行。 每批产品均须经过无菌测试,该测试使用现行美国药典 (USP) 中所述的膜过滤方法进行。 Something went wrong – we were not able to load pricing. Please try refreshing the page. 搜索安全数据表文件。 查看最 …
HyClone HyPure Water, Molecular Biology Grade - Cytiva
For critical applications involving nucleotides such as RNA and DNA, use nuclease-free HyClone Molecular Biology-Grade Water, containing no DEPC or other carcinogenic chemicals. Significantly low levels of endotoxins. Certified to have no detectable activity in DNase, RNase, and protease assays. Maximum allowable limit of endotoxin is 0.05 EU/mL.
HyClone Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM)/ F12 1:1: Liquid | Cytiva
Supports cell growth in research and biomanufacturing cell culture processes. Raw material components screened through strict quality control testing for lot-to-lot consistency. Product efficacy and homogeneity tested with Cytiva HyClone sera. Products are hydrated using purified process water and undergo sterile filtration.
HyClone BME/EBSS培养基:液体_经典培养基_培养基和补料_细胞培养工艺_思拓凡官网 | Cytiva
产品的效能和同质性已通过 Cytiva HyClone 血清进行了测试。 产品已使用纯化工艺水进行水合,并经过了无菌过滤。 搜索安全数据表文件。 查看最实用的在线工具、最新的文章、产品手册等资源。 选择其他区域以查看您所在区域的定制内容并在线购物。 需要更多帮助? HyClone BME/EBSS培养基:液体,在各种研究及生物制造类细胞培养过程中支持细胞生长。 了解更多信息,请访问cytiva网站!
cytiva.com HyClone™ ADCF™ antifoam irradiated products have 3% active simethicone. Sterilization of these products is performed using a validated gamma‑irradiation process. The products are delivered in single‑use bags designed with tubing lines and fittings to enable easy connection and delivery to various cell culture systems (Fig 1).
推动生物制药本土研发与制造升级,Cytiva中国细胞培养基开发基 …
6 天之前 · 据悉, 针对中国本土企业对高效开发与精准适配的迫切需求, 新 基地依托 Cytiva 旗下的生命科学产品品牌 HyClone 优势,能够根据客户个性化需求 ...
推动生物制药本土研发 思拓凡中国细胞培养基开发基地落地上海
5 天之前 · 作为Cytiva本土化进程的又一重要里程碑,该基地将进一步拓展Cytiva中国科创中心的功能布局,提升本土研发与生产能力,加速生物医药产业发展。 ... 开发与精准适配的迫切需求,全新细胞培养基开发基地依托Cytiva旗下的生命科学产品品牌HyClone的强大优势,能够 ...
HyClone Calf Serum, U.S. origin - Cytiva
Supplement cell culture growth with U.S. sourced HyClone Bovine Calf Serum, an excellent and cost-effective alternative to Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS).